Christmas (Karlnapity)☁️🎄

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Hello everyone its Christmas time and i got a one shot for yall so i hope yall enjoy and I might post something for new years!


Karl was bringing out the box of ornaments downstairs so him and his fiances to decorate the tree for Christmas. While he was walking down he also grabbed a Santa hat and put it on as well at grabbed a snowman top hat and a reindeer antlers (ya know the headband not actual reindeer antlers) then he walked down to see Sapnap making hot chocolate whole Quackity was setting the fireplace. Karl place the box of ornaments down next to the tree and walked behind Sapnap and place the snowman hat onto him which made Sapnap turn around with a confused grim.

"Heh what is this for?" Sapnap asked with a chuckle before Karl replies.

"For Christmas duh, your the snowman , and im Santa, and Quackity is gonna be the reindeer"

He said before walking up to Quacktiy and placing the reindeer antlers on his head, Quackity looked up and looked at Karl with a little confused smile.

"What are you doing Karl?" Quackity asked with a eyebrow rise.

Karl smiled as he spoke again "Your the reindeer, I'm Santa, and Saps the snowman" with a smile "Now come one so we can decorate the tree!"

So thats what they did, Sapnap worked on the bottom, Karl decorated  the middle of the tree, and Quackity flew up to decorate the top of the tree. Once they all finished the tree they cooked a Christmas dinner together with laughter and funny mistakes. After eating they made a cake with hot chocolate. That Christmas might they sat infront of the fireplace eating cat and drinking hot chocolate while enjoying each other's company on a nice and snowy Christmas night.


Merry Christmas everyone and a happy new year!

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