Experience 405(Quackity)☠️

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 Here is part 2 of "the ugly duckling" part so grab ya tissues cause this is also sad and part 3 of this 

Tw: abuse, hitting with rod, Hissing, gun, blood, labs, cuts


Everything in here sucks.......

The double abuse that he gets when he does something wrong or does not listen, being trapped in a room with other ducks that have been tested on, [as you can see with the title picture that's what some of them look like], and over all just everything in there sucks for a 6 year old like him, he got lost in thought when he heard the lady's voice again.

"Experience 405 let's go, it's time for test number 3" she said as she grabbed him, since Quackity did not want to get hurt so he obeyed.

When they got to the room they saw a table with an rabbit who had a cut in their leg that looked like it was just resent. She pushed Quackity into the room and shut the door behind her and locked it so Quackity could not escape. He then looked at the bunny with sad eyes, he felt bad for the rabbit in front of his. then there was a screen coming down from the roof saying "Experience #3 'the heal' heal the rabbit and you will be fine" he looked back at the rabbit and the rabbit was scared and was looking at his like he was saying 'help me get me out if here please' he tried to find out how to heal the rabbit, he was so focused on healing the rabbit but nothing worked, the lady came in the room with a rod and hit Q on the head with it. He wanted to cry but he knew that it would make him get hit again so he tried to not cry. They threw him back into the room he started in and shut the door behind her. Night feel and the rabbit somehow got into the ducks room [idk how ok] Quackity crawled to the rabbit and said sorry to the rabbit with tears in his eyes, the rabbit was staring at him and said it's ok [remember he could talk to animals] all of thr sudden his wings started to glow and so did the rabbits cut. A few seconds later and it was healed. Both if them were amazed of what just happened and the rabbit left with a thank you very much. Quackity finally figured out how to heal people he just need to calm down and focus on the heal, last time he was scared because of him failing. He laid on the floor going to sleep. The next day was test 4 the light test. All he has to do is glow simply right?. He got to the room and the scientist was in the other room looking through the window. He was trying to calm down and not be nervous or scared. All of the sudden his wings started to glow meaning that there is no punishment [yay :D] After that one was successful he got back to his room to relax till he looked up to see the door open wide to see a new lady that he never seen before. He was scared so he backed up Into the corners of the room while the ducks has became a bit defensive by stepping infront of him with a hiss and snapping motion. 

"Oh do worry I'm just here to give you some food duckling" she said as she placed a plate of fishsticks infront of him with a smile. 

Quackity hesitantly crawled to the plate and took one of them, right before he took a bite he stopped and looked up at the woman with a scared face.

"M-may I eat th-this?" He asked with a shaking voice while shaking a bit himself 

The lady replied "Oh of course I don't really know why your asking but go ahead you don't have to ask dear"

Quackity cracked a tiny smile before chomping down on the fish stick 

"Is it delicious dear?" She asked 

"Yes I never had something like thank you miss.....um.." Quackity was kinda looking around for her name tag since usually everyone has a name tag on their coat.

" Oh ya I'm new here, I just got to this place 2 days ago but my name is Kirby" she smile which also made Quackity too. She had to leave so she said bye and closed the door behind her. Quackity laid down happy that he finally had something to eat.

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