Man child pt:2 (Karlnapity)☁️

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Here have Quackity being relatable to me [not being able to spell/pronouncing simple words properly]

Moon: *puts kumi in basement* now do your stuff in the basement *evil laugh while coughing out of the basement*

Kumi: dang it not again anyways please enjoy 


Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity was all sitting on the couch chilling until Sapnap gotten an idea, he wanted a cupcake but, he didn't  want Quackity to get all excited like a child, because when Quackity gets all excited their is no stopping him. Until he realized something while dating Q. He kinda has a mind of a child sometimes. And due to him not being able to have a normal childhood he was not really in school meaning that he can't really spell some simple words. Like cupcake, treats, icing, puddle, and some others not in here [because lazy]. Both Karl and Sapnap sometimes took advantage to their will, when rhey wanted to go to a Cafe for like a cupcake or something like that they would spell it out to each other just so Q would not know what they are talking about so he won't get all excited and bouncing everywhere.

Sapnap turned to Karl and asked "Hey Karl want to go and get some c-u-p-c-a-k-e-s? I'm in the mood all of the sudden.

"Ya sure and some i-c-e-c-r-e-a-m also" Karl responded with a smile.

Quackity turned around with a confused look in his face wondering what the two were saying. They got up and grabbed their shoes to go to the Cafe down the streets. Before Karl walked out of the door behind Sapnap, he turned to Quacktiy and told him "while we're out please promise me that you will behave Q alright, if you do then you will get a special treat~" as soon as he said treat his eyes lit up of excited. He jumped up off the couch bouncing up and down while saying "TREAT!!??" With an childish smile and a tail wag. Karl nodded and left closing the door behind him and hopped into the car with sapnap and they drove off. They got their and got three cupcakes that reminded them of the other ones.

 They got their and got three cupcakes that reminded them of the other ones

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[Great now I want some cupcakes:( ]

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[Great now I want some cupcakes:( ]

They got back home to see Quackity one the couch watching his phone while waiting for them to get back.

"Wow looks whos been a good little duckling, well as promise I got you a cupcake that has a little duck on it" Karl said with a smile while taking out the cupcake out of the bag.

Quackity was very excited with a happy smile, tail wagging, wings flapping (both on his back and ears) and was bouncing a bit up and down infront of Karl. They enjoyed their cupcakes and ice cream  while jocking around with each other and laughing and enjoyed their time together.


WC: 531 here have this cringe tonight and have a nice day/night 

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