Purring duck(Karlnapity)☁️

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(I'm sorry for all these karlnapity ones ill try and put Quackbur or jshlattity in some day)

Background: (Quackity not only can wag his tail but he can also purr like ducks can and since he wants to look like a big guy and not like a softie he tried to hide it until today)



Quackity was in the kitchen making lunch for his fiances until sapnap creeped up behind him to scare him a little. 

"BOO" Sapnap shouted as he picked up the mexican duck man.

Quackity shouted a little "You asshole" Quackity mumbled under his breath with a little bit of red out of  embarrassment. Karl came into the room with a little giggling, he took quackity out of sapnap hands and kissed his forehead.

Sapnap was now in the kitchen finishing up what quackity was doing, Meanwhile karl and quackity were cuddling on the couch with quackity on his lap. Quackity was half asleep while karl was running his fingers through his hair.

Quackity was so relaxed in the moment that he did not hear sapnap walk into the living room coming to tell them that lunch was ready. as sapnap was about to say that lunch was ready when he was stopped by a little purring sound coming from the couch.

both karl and sapnap looked at where the purring came from in both awe and surprise. Quackity realized what sound he made and covered his mouth trying to stop it. It stopped a couple seconds later. Quackity was a burning red tomato of embarrassment after the act that happened. 

"Oh my god" Sapnap mumbled 

"THAT WAS SO CUTE" Karl shouted while hugging duck boi

"IM NOT CUTE" Quackity shouted while trying to get out of Karls grasps 

"Come on Q you have to admit it was pretty cute" Sapnap teased 

"N-No its not, not at all " Quackity mumbled trying to cover his cherry face

Both of the male giggled 

Well anyways they just finished up their lunch and went back to the couch to cuddle again

Quackity was now in Sapnap's lap with his head dug into the crook of his neck, while karl was leaning onto quackity. they all were about to go to sleep (look i know that this looks like how they were in the last part i'm not that creative) Karl almost closed his eyes until he heard sapnap whispered his name. Karl looked at sapnap and sapnap pointed at quackity. Karl knew what he was about to do and nodded a 'do it' nod. Sapnap ran his fingers through quackitys hair and a couple seconds later he started to purr again. Karl and sapnap looked at him with big smiles 

"Hes so cute" Karl whispered trying not to wake up the cute boy hes looking at. Sapnap nodded in agreement. He heard a little swinging, looked down to see his little duck tail also wagging.

"Aww hes just to cute" Sapnap whispered with a smile

"Ya I just wonder why he never just admits that he could be a big softie sometimes" Karl wondered

They just shrugged it off when they heard the purring get louder and louder The more sapnap runs his hands into the ducks hairs

They picked up the duckling and put him onto the bed while cuddling him until they both fell asleep

(Word count: 547) (I hope you guys enjoy this one and I'll see you guys in the next ones Bye)

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