The ugly duckling(Quackity)☠️

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Hello have the childhood of out love duck boi Quackity since I was running out of ideas so now I got one when u was thinking of lore anyways enjoy and maybe grab a tissue box because their is alot of abuse and sadness.

Tw: crying,switched baby's,abuse,yelling,lab


Something was happening in space with the planet ducks and if it was not stopped then everything and everyone will explode so the owners/close friends of the planet ducks had to help them. They were a married couple one being a shapeshifter with shark teeth and the other being a Mexican duck hybrid. The man was name Dave and the woman name was Kate. They were in the human hospital because Kate was giving birth to their child right now all by themselves. 





Then there was a baby cry from his hands but it stopped fast. The two looked down to the baby and he was fast asleep with a peaceful smile. The moment got ruined by a buzz and shaking from Dave's phone 

D: Honey we have to go the ducks are getting more and more fearl and the more fearl the more longer it takes them to calmed down!!

K: *sigh* I guess we have to leave out baby we can't bring him on this dangerous trip we just can't!

D: I know just put in in that bed right there....

K: ok...

She placed him down on the bed that Dave was pointing at and both flew out of the window to space. Hours later the doctor came back to bring the new baby boy to the new found family waiting foe their child. He got to the room with a father, a mother. And another little boy already with them who looked like he was 4. They handed them the baby and they left the hospital with "their" new baby boy. 

"Awwww look at our new baby boy" the woman named Karen said staring at the baby who has opened his eyes and looked at them with a smile. Everyone started in awe of the little boy infront of them until the baby had something come from his back that made everyone's expressions turn from awe to horror/disgust 

"Oh my god... WHAT THE HELL IS ON HIS BACK EWWWWW" The husband name Steve yelled while pushing the boy down like he was a roach" he started to cry which got him another slap from Steve. Then they left the baby kid their crying himself. 4 years of yelling and hitting and a non normal family till one night where he was sleeping on the kitchen floor with tear stains until he heard a twinkle at the window to see a duck with a halo on top of its headand it was pretty big like half of the size of their house. I was looking at Quackity through the window with its dark eyes. He was a bit scared at fiat until the duck started talking to which was a ehco kind of sound.

🦆: "Hello dear duck boy"

Q: "wh-who are you?"

🦆: "I'm planet duck or P.D for short, I'm not going to harm you just so you know but, I have come here to send a message.

Q: "A message?"

🦆: "yes I have come to tell you that you have a bit of power that you probably never knew you had but, your real parents say that they love you very much and that they never really wanted to leave you here with these people but they had to protect the galaxy"

Q: "Really the galaxy! Wow"

🦆: "Well I have to go Quackity"

Q: "Quackity?"

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