Another chance of childhood(Karlnapity)☠️🐣

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I said i was going to put age regression in here yet I have note done it once (kinda the same with pumpkin duo but I at lease have something on them so ya) but today's the day :]

Lexi:hi I'm back anway sunny has a oneshot for you also I to have a book it's in her reading lists if you wanna check it out that is imma tag myself @Moonieghost 

Tw: Flashback/PTSD,age regression,crying


Quackity was sitting down on the couch alone at his shared house with his fiances Karl and Sapnap. The thing is though is that Q had some separation anxiety due to his terrible childhood of him losing everything he loved and getting swapped by the doctors on accident to terrible people till he was 6 then got sent to a lab with abuse again till he was 9 then escape and lived near a pond with a help of the ducks with super elements from the lab another 2 years until Sam came to adopt him from the pond. Now he had started getting something that he can't control called age regression. Age regression is something that when a person had PTSD they will just become a straight up baby from age 0 to 3 or older (I just said that because that's Quackity regression age right now) anywho he was alone at home waiting for his fiances to come back till something came on the T.V. it was a little kid getting hit by their dad [It's acting] as he was scrolling through the channels to find something. He started to shake and cry because of the flashbacks of his "dad" in that past kicking him out of the house and getting thrown and hit because he didn't ask for a slice of bread or when his other brother act like Quackity did something to him but really he didn't. He started to shake and breath faster more and more and more tears ran down his face. He ran upstairs to grab his comfort duck plushie.

It's his favorite plushie to cuddle because that's the first gift he got when he was a child EVER

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It's his favorite plushie to cuddle because that's the first gift he got when he was a child EVER. His mind started to go into age regression because of the memories of his terrible past. Since he did not want anyone to know about his regret he kept it a secret meaning that he did not have anything for his age regression. The fuzzy feeling finished and now he's in full regression and without anyone around because his fiance were at the store to get some things. He started to cry on the floor hugging the duck plushie. The front door opened from both Karl and Sapnap, they walked into the living room because the 5.V is on with no one watching. As soon as they turned it off they heard muffled sodding. They immediately went to where it was and saw it was their fiance Quackity sobbing into his comfort duck plush. 

"Ducky!!!" They both yelled at the same time. 

They both rushed over to the duck crouched down and tried to calm him down. 

"I'll go and make him some hot chocolate, you warm him up" Karl said as he was rushing out of the bed room.

Sapnap tried to calm him down a bit but, nothing seem to work, he just kept on crying like a baby... Karl came back with the hot chocolate trying to help Sapnap calm down Quackity but nothing worked and he just kept on crying. In fact he did not even know that the two was even their because of all the flashbacks that he was having. A paper fell out of the closet that look to be Quackity's handwriting on it. Karl picked up the paper and it had.

"I should not keep this a secret to anyone anymore, I don't think it's healthy to keep my age regression, because of the crying and stuff its not ok, imma have to tell them one day though, but first I might have to tell them about my order I put in a couple of days ago I should be coming out on Thursday"

Karl realized that today is Thursday as he and Sapnap heard the doorbell, Karl ran and got the package from the guy and ran back upstairs. He opened the box to see what Q was talking about for stuff. Inside was a duck pacifier, some plushies of farm animals dame with some puppets, some crayons along with some coloring paper, a blue soft blanket, and a baby bottle. They looked up what age regression was and it read...

'Age regression, in its simplest definition, is when a person regresses, or goes backward, in age. Age regression can occur spontaneously, or as is more often the case, because of a trigger. While not inherently harmful, regressing can be dangerous if the person is not in a safe place'

[Yes I looked it up =_=]

After reading a bit about it, Quackity finally realized that Karl and Sapnap was their and instantly hugged Sapnap tight while still having the duck plushie in his hand.

"Are you ok my little duckling?" Dapnap asked when he realized that Quackity noticed him abd Karl.

[This is about to be them talking back a forth sooooooooo.......ya]

K-you ok?


S-aee you sure?

Q-*nods again*

K-hey ya want your new paci?

Q- yes pweas

He handed hin the pacifier and he immediately popped it in his mouth with a cute little smile. The two hearts instantly melted of how cute he was being right now. Karl grabbed the bottle ro fill it up with his hot chocolate that he made him earlier and warmed it up 8n their upstairs microwave [because why not] as Sapnap was playing Q and his duck plushie while he was giggling. He gave it to Q and he took it and started drinking it. The two just watched him in awe. They always though that Quackity was a cute bean but this made their point like 10 times more correct. Their were lost in thought till they saw Quackity's eyes get all heavy.

Karl started to ask "tired duckling?" To which Q nodded and then fell asleep in both their arms. Later on they both followed his footsteps falling asleep as well.


WC: 1054 [hey my first 1000 word one shot :D]

Anyways I hope wall enjoy this crap I call my story and also have a nice day/night :)

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