The man child(pumpkin duo)☁️

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Lunar:Wassup peeps anyway have this and I don't totally don't have the athour in a cellar wringing this here you go

Sunny: Help me and also enjoy this please

TW: nothing(I guess man child duck guy)


Shlatt was getting a meeting ready, it was about is they are going to let people build their own things with or without permission. We'll the thing is that everyone can pay attention except the person who should be able to listen the most and that is the vice president himself Mr Quackity. Almost everytime they have a meeting(which is like 2 time a week) Quackity would forget what they were talking about because he has an attention spand of a duck egg, meaning that Shlatt had to tell him what he is suppose to do and teach him how to do it just in case he does not know how to do it. So Shlatt had to find out a way for Quacktiy to listen because he's the one that has to pay attention the most because of him being a vice president. Until he noticed that Quackity sometimes had a mind of a child like dancing like a child, wanting kids meals, and also listen to things that had toys talking like puppets or stuff animals. It was time for the meeting, everyone but Quackity was their because Shlatt told him to get some papers for the meeting. 

[It's going to be people talking back and forth so S = Shlatt T = Tubbo F = Fundy and G = Geroge]

S: alright everyoens here good so-

G: Shlatt wait, Quackity is not here

T: Oh ya Big Q isn't here where is he?

S: Oh ya well I got him to get some papers for the meeting but, also so I could get him distracted a bit to tell you guys something 

F: Oh un ok then, what is it?

S: Well you know how Quackity has an attention spand of a single chicken nugget?

T: heh ya but what does that have to do for us

S: well I have a plan to get him to pay attention because he is also like a child so I hope this will helps him, just to know that this is only for like 7 minutes then we can have a more adult meeting so you can understand better without the voice.

All of them agreed when Quackity walked into the room with the papers placing them infront of Shlatt and sat into his seat. Right after that Shlatt pulled out something and put it on his hand.

A puppet:

He then started talking like a off brande mickey mouse

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He then started talking like a off brande mickey mouse.

"Today we'll be tlaking about if we should let people have permission to build things with or without permission" Shlatt said in the voice while moving the puppet like it was the one who was talking.

This was weird to everyone else but amusing to Quacktiy. He was so into the voice and giggling every once in a while because if the voice. This showed everyone the child side of Q and made some of them wonder why he is the vice president (not in the rude way though)

[7 minutes later]

"Now can you please recap what we went over Mr Quackity" Shlatt said still with the voice

Quackity replied with a excited child voice "We learned that we can let people build what ever but if it's a bit to big and can take over most of the land then we have to look into it and if we accept it then we let them build it but if we don't then they either have to lower down the build or just not build it at all" he finished with a big and innocent smile. 

"Good job Quackity you earn a gold star" Shlatt said in his normal voice while handing Quackity a gold star sticker to which he earned a happy "YAY" from Quackity followed by a tail wag.

He ran out of the office to fill out the paper making Shlatt sigh in relief as he took of the hand puppet and continued the actual meeting with the rest on the guys with his actual voice

[12 minutes later]

The meeting was finally over and everyone walked out for the day but Shlatt stayed to go see if Q has left yet. Wheb he walked into the ducks office he meet a seen of Quackity with his head down on his desk with the gold star sticker on his cheek and a pen in his right hand. Shlatt picked up the duck and brought him to his bedroom gave him a little kiss on the head and left.


Word count: 790

[I FINALLY done a pumpkin duo one shot for you guys who like this duo and I hope yall enjoy this] :]

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