Another chance in childhood pt: 2 (Karlnapity)☠️☁️

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Hello my beautiful people I'm back with a other story request by these fine people :]

Hello my beautiful people I'm back with a other story request by these fine people :]

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Yes shout out to these people and I hope you enjoy :D

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Yes shout out to these people and I hope you enjoy :D

Tw: panic attack, mean response, punching in the face, yelling 


Quackity walked outside to get some fresh air since he was bored in the house, and Karl and Sapnap went to the Cafe to grab a few muffins and would be back any minute. As he walked outside he heard little kids laughing and playing together, something that he never really got to do until he was like 11. He decided that he wanted to play with the kids to see how it feels like to play and have fun. He walked up to the kids with a smile as the kids were playing catch with a ball, he tapped the kids with a demon horn and tail making the kid turn around as the other kids stopped and looked at Quackity.

"Hey, not to sound creepy and all but... mind if I play woth you kids?, I never got to play catch when I was your age" Quackity asked the kids kinda shy maybe because he thinks that the kids would say no,..... and he was right.

"What the- no! You weirdo, your to old! Go back to doing your boring stuff, you already lost your childhood" The demon kid said as the other 3 kids laughed at him. This made Quackity pretty upset.

"Hey, that's not nice kid, what's wrong with playing with someone's who's older" Quackity asked with an upset tone, this made the kid smirk before replying.

"I'll tell you what's wrong, your a weirdo who want to play with little kids like you want to kidnap us, because your a lonely person, no one likes you, you probably was not able to play a simple game because you were a duck freak and even yourself knew that so you didn't even want to play with yourself, your ugly, smelling terrible, and for the dirty cherry on top, you will be alone forever" The kids laughed and high five the demon kid

Quackity was speechless of what the kid said, but also he was mad and sad at the same time, so he started to yell with some tears in his eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you, I just wanted to play catch with you kids, there's nothing wrong with that, you play with your parents when you were younger right!? There's nothing wrong with it you brats!." As Quackity was yelling at the kids, the kids parents was walking up to Quacktiy and the kids got an idea, started to fake cry which made the parents rush over faster.

The dad of one of the kids grabbed Quacktiy's arm pulling him towards him as the other kids parents were "comforting" the demo- I mean kids. 

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU CREEP TO OUR KIDS!!?" The dad yelled at Quackity making Quackity yell back

"You need to teach your kids to be nice, they were being rude and called me a duck freak and said no one will love me, and all I wanted to do is play with them!" Quackity yelled not as loud 

"Well their not wrong weirdo! No one probably loves you because your insane!" The dad yelled again as the other parents took their kids away.

"Wow you raised your kids real fin-" Quackity was cut off from with the dad punching him in the face and left with the other family. Quackity got up and went the house. As soon as he closed the door he ran up to the room and hid beside the bed crying, going to a full on panic attack. Sapnap and Karl got back home and heard sobbing upstairs. They instantly ran to where it was and saw Quackity having a big panic attack. They lucky got the plushies and comforted Quackity.

"What's wrong duckling?" Karl asked soft yet worried 

Quackity explained everything that happened today with the kids and the parents as well as the punch. At first they wanted to burn their houses down for hurting their duck, but on the other hand they wanted to stay with Quackity, so that's what they choose (luckily). The Sapnap got an idea

"Hey I have an idea, how about we play catch with you Quackity, you never got to play right?" This made Quackity all excited, because hi finally get to play catch with people that he love. Both Karl and Sapnap smiled as Sapnap got up and grabbed the ball in their garage. Karl and Sapnap walled outside as Quackity basically bolted outside due to all of his excitement. 

"OK you guys ready?" Sapnap asked which both Karl and Quackity said yes. Sapnap threw the ball at Karl and he caught it, Karl then threw the ball at Quackity and Quackity caught it as well. He jumped for joy as he finally get to play catch like normal kids would, his wings were flapping and his tail was wagging like crazy. Sapnap and Karl smiled at Quackity as he was jumping out of joy. They continued playing catch until it was getting late so they all decided to go inside and maybe continue this tomorrow. After they put the ball up they order food, when the food got there they all ate and then got ready for bed. Before they all fell asleep Karl turned to a half asleep Quackity and asked him.

"Did you have fun my little duckling"" to which Quackity replied with a pretty lazy nod of hus head and he closed his eyes and was now falling asleep holding both of the two men hands. Sapnap and Kalr smiled at this as they started to fall asleep as well.


I'm finally done with this and I hope you guys like this crap and I'll see you guys later, love you, take care, (unlike me), and have a good/night 

Word count: 1027

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