Childhood photos(Karlnapity)☠️🐣

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Hello I have an idea when I woke up and I do not know why but I have one, funny how I have an idea when I'm not trying to think of one, but don't have an idea when I am trying to think of one, ok I'll shut up and let you enjoy this one

Tw: PTSD, age regression, crying 

And enjoy :>


Karl was in their shared bedroom looking for his jacket. When he got to the closet he was looking through it until he came across a book that looked like a album. He was about to put it away until he saw the title. "Quackity's photos" was the title which made Karl more interested. Him and Sapnap never learned about Quackitys past life, they told each other about their past one time but when it came to Quacktiys turn it got all silent and just said that it's not that inserting or cool like theirs so they don't know anything about it. So this made him curious of what he can find in it. He walked out to find Sapnap on the couch while Quackity was in the kitchen enjoying a snack. 

"Pssss, Sapnap" Karl whispered to Sapnap which he got Sapnap's attention, he motion him to come here so that's what Sapnap did.

"What's wrong Karl?" Sapnap asked while walking towards Karl. 

This is when he showed him the photo album. They both went upstairs and sat down on the bed. They opened the album and saw photos of Quackity when he was like 11 and nothing younger then it. They flipped through the pages until they saw some writing that caught their eyes. 

The letter read the following:

'This Is a new kid that I have found that has been through alot, from being abandoned from his real parents at birth, then getting abused by his foster parents until he was 6, then getting traded into a lab for money by same people and getting abused by the scientist for 3 years, even though he escaped with a person he loves named Kirby the only nice person to him, this Kirby person died infront of him and the only thing he has is a duck plushie, then he was in the while all alone for 2 years until I finally found him In a cave all sad and scared, now he's ok and all cleaned up. I'm glad that I found Quackity and helped he heal up'.

By: Sam


Both Karl and Sapnap was shocked, the now understood the reason why Quackity did not wanted to tell them about his childhood, its because  he did not want to remember it. Just then they looked to find a horrified Quackity at the door looking the photo album then at Karl and Sapnap.

"Quackity...hey we're so so sorry" Sapnap while standing up and walking towards Quackity trying to calm him down, but it was too late with Quackity running away with tears in his eyes. This always broke their hearts seeing Quackity crying, but it hurt even more that it was their faults he's running and crying. They decided to let him have some time by himself so he could gather up his feelings. After some minutes like 10 maybe, they went downstairs to find Quackity but, they see that the front door is open (like cracked opened like it does not look like it until you look closer) meaning that he went to the forest which is one of the places that Quackity likes to go to in order to calm down. The went to the forest and found Quackity not to long since he did not go so deep into the forest so he won't get lost just incase. He was there crying on a stump with his legs up to his chest. 

"Ducky, we are so sorry, we just wanted to know your past because we did not know you went through all that, we are sorry love" Karl said while walking up to Quacktiy.

While he was saying that the first word made Quackity jump up and puff his wings up scared. After he finished his sentence he calmed down a bit a slowly walked to them tears still in his eyes. Then he laid his head on Karl's chest because he was tired of all the crying. They got back home and sat down on the couch and comfort Quackity a bit more. After like 5 minutes they stopped and Quackity looked up at Sapnap this time. 

"Sapsap!" Quackity said with a little cheerful sound and both of the man knew what it was, it was once again age regression time.

Sapnap smiled at Quackity and kissed his forehead which made Quackity giggle. They all got up and went to the bedroom.

"Hey Karl, could you get his bottle and a snack, and I can change him and get his other stuff" Sapnap asked Karl which Karl agreed and went downstairs.

While Karl went downstairs Sapnap went into the closet to grab one of Quackity's favorite onesies which is a psyduck one.

While Karl went downstairs Sapnap went into the closet to grab one of Quackity's favorite onesies which is a psyduck one

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He helped him and gave him his plushie and paci. After 5 minutes Karl came back in the room with a snack and a bottle which he gave to Quacktiy. Quackity drank the bottle and layed down in the bed hugging his plushie, in his onesies, with his paci. This was to cute for Karl and Sapnap that they couldn't help but smile. After a while Quackity fell asleep making Karl and Sapnap crawl into bed cuddling Quackity on each side and falling asleep as well. 


This crap took like all day to make But now it's done so yay for that, hope yall enjoyed this stuff and i will see you next time.

Word count: 976 (wow almost 1000)

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