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Hello happy Thanksgiving yall have each one having Thanksgiving:)


🎃Pumpkin duo🎃 🐏: Jshlatt 🦆:Quackity  🐝: Tubbo

Shlatt finished setting up the table and then called Tubbo down, while Quackity was in the kitchen finishing up the food and started to bring out the food to the table. Tubbo came running down with his bee plushie, placed it onto a chair next to his chair, and then grabbed one of the food plates.

🐝: Here mama Q, let me help you bring the food to the table!

🦆: Oh thank you tubs!

Quackity smiled as they place the food down onto the table before they all sat down now

🐏: Ah I see everyone is sitting down now, this food looks great pumpkin!

🦆: Oh uh...heh thanks I learned if from my mama, he cooked some good food 

(bro I almost forgot how I made Quackity's past)

🐏: well it's great, now let's dig in everyone!


🍡Karlnapity🍡  🪀: Karl 🔥: Sapnap 🦆: Quackity 

🪀: Thanksgiving you guys! We should cook something!

Karl yelled excited while Sapnap and Quackity were just chilling on the couch

🔥: cooking?....but I don't feel like it...

🪀: fine....your lucky Dream and George is having a Thanksgiving party and we are invited...still we should at least bring something

Suddenly Quackity got an idea amd ran into the kitchen, soon he came out with a Mexican cake

🦆: how about we bring some cake, then we can eat the rest of the slices that the others did not eat..

🔥: sounds gokd...alright let's go..

So ya they ate at Dreams and George's house, went back home and ate the leftover cake and other things there


🧨Tnt duo🧨 💀: Wilbur 🦆: Quackity 

Quackity was just looking over las navadas on Thanksgiving, until he heard their office door open, he turned around to see Wilbur coming up to him with two brown bags in both of his hands

🦆: what's with the bags Wilbur?

💀: Oh well....your all alone...on a day where you basically eat with your close ones...and your here...all alone...with no food, so I got you this

Wilbur hands Quackity one of the bags, Quackity hesitantly opens the bag to reveal some food in there [you can ise your brain to choose the foods]

🦆: you.....brought

💀: yep! I got you and me food so we can have a Thanksgiving together!

And thats what they did foe the night, they ate the food while talking all night, they just chilled on the tower together that time...what a Thanksgiving:)


Ya sorry thus was late I was helping with food and then started it even though I wanted to start this before Thanksgiving so I could just press one of the buttons and boom its posts, but here it is, I wanted to get this up before it was like a week after Thanksgiving, but I hope yall had a good Thanksgiving and have a good day/night

Wordcount: 464

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