The hybrid doctor(Karlnapity)☁️

309 4 16

Tw: Hissing,scratching,bitting,blood,scared duckman,needles 

Lunarius:Wassup peeps anway here this 


Every year Quackiry has to go to this hybrid doctor a doctor that works only on people who are hybrids like half human half something hybrids. Today quackity had to go to the hybrid doctor but, that not gonna be easy because, he hates the doctor l. Karl abd Sapnap was all dressed and waiting for Quacktiy to get ready because they told him that they were going somewhere nice and told him to wear something comfy and nice. After a few minutes Quackity was ready and they all got into the car and drove to the doctors office. As soon as they got there Quackity realized that he was tricked and tried to escape but l, failed as Sapnap caught him and hugged him tight making it hard for him to escape. They walked into the office waiting room waiting for the doctor. 

"Quackity were ready for you" A nice lady called out to the three.

They got up and walked with the woman into the office.

"Wait here Dr. Mufussy (my friend chosen this name because I could not choose one and now i regret it) will be with you soon" the woman said in a nice and calm tone before walking out of the office.

Soon Dr. Mufussy the doctor walked into the office with a white coat and a clipboard. 

"Hello Mr,Quackity I'm doctor Mufussy (I hate my friend) ill be your doctor for today" he said before putting down his clipboard.

He walked up to Quacktiy reached his hand put and out of nowhere Quackity almost bit thr doctor.

Though"Oh a violent one I see don't worry I've dealed with these kinds before" Dr Mufussy stated while turning toward Karl and Sapnap. All of the sudden he pulled out a black dog muzzle and strapped it on Quackity before he can do anything and tied his hands and legs together so he won't hit him. He finished the exam even though Quackity was trying to wiggle put and hit Dr. Mufussy. When they were finished the doctor left to test his hybrid side of him. Before Dr Mufussy let the other two know that it's ok to untie Quackity then he left.

Before Karl could untie Quackity Sapnap spoke "Quackity before we untie you, you have to promise us that you will behave and not try and bite the doctor or try to hit him alright?"  Quackity gave him a scoff then under his he said 'will see' before Karl and Sapnap untied him. Dr. Mufussy cam back into the room with a couple of things in his hands l. He walked towards Quackity which kinda gave Quackity a sign to kinda tence up (idk if I spelled that right sorry) Dr. Mufussy saw how Quackity was and tries his best to calm down Quackity.

"I just need to check you feathers and your behavior then were done Mr Quackity it will only take a few minutes okay?" Dr. Mufussy said creeping closer to Quackity. When he got close enough he did a soft pinch on the ducks wings that that was the last straw for Quacktiy. He bite the doctors arm and withdrawal blood though his coat. Quackity jumped down from the bed and ran to the counter crouch down and hissed at the doctor. Dr. Mufussy, Sapnap, Karl  came close to Quacktiy which made him hiss again and even scratched the doctor in the face leaving a small scar in his cheek.

"QUACKITY RELAX AND LET THE DOCTOR DO HIS WORK YOUR HARMING HIM ACTING LIKE A CHILD!!!!!!!" Sapnap yelled which made Quackity flinch and hiss even more.

Karl stepped in and tried to calm Sapnap down. After he calmed down Sapnap (a bit) and looked at at Quackity. Dr. Mufussy bend down infront of Quackity holding out his hand trying to earn his trust a bit. 

"Let me at least check your feathers Mr, Quackity" Dr. Mufussy said which Quackity agreed and after the appointment the doctor gave Quackity a little treat which was a lollipop and sent them off. The car ride home was silent because since Sapnap yelled at Quackity he was a little scared and sad. Wheb they got home they opened the door but was stopped by Quackity walking up to Sapnap with a scared face. 

"Hey sap i-im sorry for acting like a baby at the doctors office" he said with a shacky voice sounding like he's about to cry. Sapnap patted his head while saying it's ok which made both Karl and Quackity smile as they went back inside.


Word count: 763

I hope yall enjoyed this cringe:]

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