Lab AU pt2 (Karlity)☁️

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I just started school do its back to not having that much wattpad shots probably again._. Anyways here's another Lab au for you guys



👏Karl's POV👏

I woke up and was about to get up when I felt some weight on me, I looked down to see experiment 405 aka Quackity, I took him home with me for 2 reasons. Because of reachsearch and also because I felt bad for leaving him alone without me. So I lucky convinced my boss that i could take care of him and keep him away from scaring people or being scared. I smiled at him before realizing what we can do today, I can take him out to the world and show him somethings that he might like, like a pond, or ice cream, or maybea  sandwich. As I was thinking those things he woke up and looked at me with the most cutest tired face I have ever seen.

"Good morning Quackity ~" I said in a calming voice to not scare him.

He responded with a cute yawn like a puppy would do and laid him head back on me showing that he all tired. I nudged him a bit trying get him up. Finally he got up a bit grumpy because i woke up him again. He sat up and stretched his arms and wings before looking down at me. 

I looked up at him and smiled again "good morning" I said to him as he looked confused 

He then looked out of the window to see what Karl was talking about. He was still very sleepy but, he got up and stretched his wings and arms. I got up and stretched with him and was about to get ready. I got me ans Quackity's clothes and went to go help him get ready for the day. After I helped him I got myself ready. After we were both ready we walked out of the door.

"Where are we going?" Quackity asked as he tilted his head like a curious little duck, imma soon die from hus cuteness one day :]

"Gonna see how you react to normal human things, have you ever heard of a pond?" I asked him.

As soon as I said pond he instantly was excited.

"A pond!? I heard that they have alot of ducks and bread that people give to the duck! Is that true" he asked me with excitement in his eyes.

I chuckled and nodded which made him more excited to go. We got to the pond and while walking their I noticed that we were holding hands the entire time which made me blush just a tiny bit before we got to the pond. Quackity went to run to the ducks as soon as he say then but I held on to him so he won't go crazy and get scared from people.

"Whoa whoa calm down ducks, don't be running off without please" I said to him which he nodded but I can tell from his body that he was still very excited. We walked to the pond and he kneels down to the ducks and started to quack at them which the ducks came to him and quacked back at him which made him happy. This made me very happy as well, remembering that he was in the lab and was all depressed and scared for his life, but look at him now. He looked over at a guy giving put ice cream and turned around pointing at him asking me.

"What's that hes giving Karl?" With the same head tilt which was so cute.

"Oh he's giving out ice cream, it's like a frozen treat on a cone or cup" I replied 

"Can I try it?" He asked and I said yes.

We walked over to the ice cream guy and got two cones, as I was licked mine he copied what I did and licked his as well and he was shocked as it was so good and he continued licking it. Soon he held his head like he was in pain.

"Are you ok?" I asked him very worried hoping he was not hurt.

"Brain kinda hurts" he said,

Oh he just got a brain freeze thank God, after we finished out ice cream I heard a yawn from him

"Looks like someone needs a little nap" I said with a chuckle 

He leand on me and started to close his eyes, I picked him up and brought him to my house and laid him down the bed. I was about until I felt Quackity grab my hand and looked up at me like he don't not want me to leave, I laid down and he instantly snuggled up to me while falling back asleep. As soon as he fell asleep I almost cuddled up to him and fell asleep as well.


I have finished yay I hope yall enjoyed this :) and have a good time

Also imma make a new AU called !Ending change AU where the Dsmp members have a different ending to their lore, I jade made Quackity one and I love it, I might say it soon but I posted it on my Twitter and you guys can make an oc and a change 

This is what I made Quackity look like:

Here's my Twitter so you can pit your thing just incase you want to join the AU

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Here's my Twitter so you can pit your thing just incase you want to join the AU

User: Kmat20

And have a nice night/day

Word count: 915 :]

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