Duck act pt 3(Karlnapity)☁️

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(Hello yes I am alive and I'm here because I have found something to make another duck act thing besides him with a Lazer pointers or toys)

Tw: Hissing, crying,


"Hey Karl come look at what I just got from the home depot" Sapnap shouted from downstairs to Karl, 

Karl came downstairs and saw what Sapnap was pointing at,

A hawk status (Also we are going to act like this is one of those things that has like a button that makes it move)

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A hawk status (Also we are going to act like this is one of those things that has like a button that makes it move)

"Oh cool, hey what does that button do?" Karl asked as he pushed the button, all of the sudden the hawk screamed like a real hawk as the statue moved it wings a bit,

"Oh neat" Karl said with smile

Quackity walked into the room because he heard the scream, not knowing what it was coming from

"Hey what was that screaming, it everything o-" Quackity paused to look at the statue, like he was scared

"Hey what was that screaming, it everything o-" Quackity paused to look at the statue, like he was scared

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(Just in case you didn't know where this was going now you do)

Karl and Sapnap looked at Quackity confused why he stopped mid sentence, after what felt like 10 seconds of just silence, Quackity went behind the chair, popped his head out, and hissed at the statue before hiding behind the chair again.

"I don't think he likes it Sap, I'm pretty sure he's scared of it, you might want to put it something else or get rid of it" Karl suggested to Sapnap

Sapnap nodded a bit a said "I guess I'll put it into the attic and bring it back out on the 4th of July, but I'll do that after dinner, or tomorrow" Sapnap said.

They were having dinner, and Karl and see Quackity eyeing the statue like with a sassy side eye. After they finished eating they all got ready to go to bed,

*at 2 a.m*

Quackity woke up randomly and decided to get a quick midnight snack, as he went to get a quick donut, as we was muching on the donut he looked to his left side and saw the hawk statue. He grabbed a random blanket that was in the living room while looking at the statue and threw it on the statue accidentally hitting the button on activating it. That scared Quackity very much and he ran upstairs with scared tears as he jumped up onto Karl like a child who just had a nightmare. Karl woke up when someone jumped on him to see its Quackity, and he had tears in his eyes like he was scared 

"Quackity what's wrong?"-K

"T-the hawk it g-going to-to eat me!, pl-please don't let it e-eat me"-Q

"Aww, I won't let it eat you duckling, I promise" Karl told him while he hugged Quackity letting Quackity lay down onto him as he wipe his tears away with his sleeve. Sapnap then woke up and noticed what happening.

"Whoa what's happening" Sapnap asked all worried 

"Well, you statue I guess scared Q" Karl said while hugging Quackity who was now sleeping in his arms.

Sapnap hugged both of them "Oh sorry I'll put it somewhere else tomorrow morning" he said while falling back to sleep. Karl soon also fell asleep with the two.

*The next day*

Sapnap just put the statue in the attic and as he came down he saw Quackity who was hugging a duck plushie kinda still scared

"I-is it gone?" Quackity asked with a shaking voice 

Sapnap just nodded and Quackity was relieved as he went downstairs to start a new day.


Word count:614

Here javelin something at lease and please feel free to leave ideas in the comments and have nice time

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