Love drawings (Karlnapity)☁️

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Have wholesome stuff after that last one yall :]

Tw: nothing I mean I guess him thinking it's not good a bit


It was a nice and peaceful afternoon in their home nothing really going on just them chilling in the living room watching TV. Well Karl and Sapnap was watching the TV, Quackity was on the floor facing Sapnap and Karl drawing something. They could not see what Quackity was drawing but he was drawing something for them. It was about 9 minutes until Quackity was done with the deaw8ng he was doing. 

"Karlos!, Sappo! Look what I made for you!" Quackity said getting up and rushing over to them. He then showed them the drawing that he made fore them.

 He then showed them the drawing that he made fore them

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(What it looks like)

"Do you like it!?" Quackity asked with a cute tail wag. 

Both Karl Sapnap was a looking at the drawing in awe. They loved it a lot due to the love that was put into it. Both Sapnap and Karl chuckle a bit due to how cute it was. Quackity thought yhat they did not like it so he lowered down the drawing looking down all sad while his ear wings were lowered down to like dogs.

"I guess y-you guys don't like it?" Quackity said with a bummed out voice.

Karl and Sapnap immediately stopped chuckling and stood up trying to make Quackity feel better.

"No no! We love it, we where chuckling because it was so nice and cute how much you love us and how much love you shown us. Karl told him with mad Quackity mood go up a bit and also made him smile and blush.

"Actually we love it so much that we will put it on the fridge." Sapnap said as he took the drawing and put it on the fridge as he pet Quackity's head which made him giggle as they continued to do what they were doing earlier bit they where all watching TV this time.


I hope yall have a nice time and I hope yall enjoyed this

Word count:358

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