Please ideas(🐃)

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Me: hmmmmmm what should I write now HEY BRAIN

My brain: what's up

Me: do you have an idea for my wattpad?

My Brain: naw you don't have one?

Me:  if I had an idea why would you think I would be asking you? =_=

My Brain: idk

Me: should I ask people who read this some ideas?

My Brain: meh sure idc

Me: ok

Hey everyone I'm to dum to think of an idea and need some ideas please and thank you and don't worry I'll give you credit for you idea thank you :)

(Also I decided to start doing friendship things like dream and quackity but not like a ship just as like friends same with everyone else that I don't ship quackity with but still like their friendships) 

Thank you and I hope yall all have a nice day (*^▽^*)

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