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Fear set in first.

Who was this man in front of me, who were these people?

The tension in the room was thick, like a dense fog that coasted over the air.

The people were quiet, standing still as they looked at the broken and bruised individuals that lined the wall. Staring at us. Like we were animals in a zoo, but there was nothing entertaining about us. We were plain pitiful.

The tall figure from the door way fully walked inside the room. He was tall, unbelievably tall. So tall he had to hunch under the door frame as to not hit his head on it. He was dressed in cream beige pants, a black long sleeve, military vest accompanied with various things inside, none of which i could put a name to. He had on a mask as well, but it was long and draped over the entirety of his face and down onto his shoulders. His eyes stood out from underneath it, two holes were cut into the mask as to see out of. He was almost mysterious, a unique and intriguing vibe radiating off of him.

"It's okay." A voice spoke, it sounded as if it came from the masked man."We're here to help

The others next to me seemed to jump at the sudden voice, but i almost melted at these words. They were scared of him, but i couldn't feel scared. Not at all. I felt comforted, i felt like i'd be okay. I was saved. All fear and terror that was ingrained in my bones melted out. Maybe it was stupid, and maybe i shouldn't put any of my trust into these strange people, but something made me feel okay.

The tall man tried to convince us to come with, to do our best to stand up and he'd cut us free. No one else listened, but me. They were scared, but i wasn't. Despite the man being such a large and what should be deemed as scary thing, i wasn't afraid. He loomed over me but i wasn't in the slightest way in fear. I felt comfort in the shadow he casted over me, him blocking the small ceiling light. I looked into his eyes and I knew. I was safe now.

He gently took me into his arms, helping me off of my feet. Noticing i was the only one not afraid, the only desperately trying to muster up the strength to stand up.

I looked up at the man, his eyes staring down at me.

"It's okay." He spoke in a German accent, slightly high pitched with his words.

I let out a breathy sigh, staring into the light blue eyes above me. I could feel his hands around my body as he carried me, his fingers gripping my skin through the holes in my jeans as i sank into his touch. I finally relaxed, pure relief was washing over me.

I could see myself in the reflection of the warped mirror on the wall as the man walked passed it. My eyes dragging away from his covered face and looking instead at my reflection. My face was distorted in the glass, but i could make out the sunken eyes and bruised lips i donned. Exhaustion was painted on my face, small black and blue spots on my cheeks along with it. I almost looked worst than i felt.

I glanced back to man who had me in his arms, and everything around me seemed to blur, i was no longer paying attention to the noises i heard around me. Nothing. Not the footsteps, not the talking, not the creaking of floorboards or openings of doors. I only focused on the black cloth that hung down over the face of the man holding me, looking at the pale eyelashes i could faintly make out from beneath it. His gaze flickered to me, making contact with my own.

I was saved.


last chapter was kind of traumatizing sorry

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