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König's POV

Another mission done, and now onto another.

I did my part in breaking down the entrance, like the human battering ram i am. Or at least that's what i was called. Now i'm onto another mission, tracking down more scum that kidnap the innocent, invading more corrupt territories.

It had been a little over a week now, working everyday like i usually did. Sticking to myself, getting my job done. Missions were just a means to an end, meant to be completed and pushed into the past afterward. I never dwelled on many missions, i never got personal with them.  I couldn't let myself, it was better that way.

However,now, despite being in a new country thousands of miles away, my mind keeps creeping back to Berlin. The mission, saving those people in that townhouse, it kept coming back to me. Thoughts of the little captive that clung to my arm popping into my head. I kept wondering how they were doing, if they were still in Berlin or not, maybe they got discharged from the hospital already. The ghost of their touch still on my arm, and i was unable to shake it off. I didn't understand why i kept thinking about them, it didn't make much sense at all. But i was unable to deny, they were always on my mind.

Maybe always in the wrong word, but it's close enough. When i'm stowed away in a safe house, or on long trips in various trucks and planes, i find myself wondering about them. Basically any moment i have where i'm not debating my usual strategy and survival for missions, they come up. I cant blame myself entirely, it was only natural for me to curious, intrigued. They're one of the only people that hasn't been scared of me, they wasn't cowering in a corner at the sight of me. They looked at me like i was hero to them, like i was a symbol of some importance. Something not bad. I couldn't let it go.

I was quick to figure out which hospital they were sent to, the closest one to where they were found. I started thinking about visiting. Perhaps just going to see if they were okay, maybe i didn't have to actually speak to them. I could just ask a nurse about their status. I've never been the best with people, i wouldn't know what to say to them if i ever did see them again. I didn't want to scare them, they might've not been scared at first but seeing me walking into their hospital room might change their mind.

But nonetheless, the thought never left me.

It only took me a few more days to come to a decision, my current mission ended and i had a spare few days before my next one. Maybe if i took a quick trip to Berlin, i could visit the hospital. Maybe it was crazy to even attempt, to even think about it doing it, but it was just seeing if they were okay, i was worried. That's it, worried. This sudden interest in someone i saved was out of pure worry, and only that.

I hope.

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