thirty one

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My hand hit the doorknob, turning it hesitantly but not slowly, and pulling the door towards me to open it. My eyes dragged from where the middle of the door panels were just a moment ago, and up to face who was in front of me. König. My eyes widened a little, taking in the fact he was truly in front of me again.

In a matter of seconds my mind raced over everything i had experienced. The comforting feeling he brought, and the kind and bittersweet memories of him choosing to surround himself with me tirelessly, to then the last moments i shared with him. I could feel myself tensing, my shoulders going up and pressing into me stiffly as i inhaled sharply, scanning over the all too familiar mask that hung down over his face. I was once so scared of him, unaware of the plain brutality that he was capable of, my view of him utterly untrusting and regrettable. Yet here he was, at my door and no longer simply swimming through my thoughts for days on end-a positive or bad thing i'm unsure of. Whether i would grow to like it or not, he was here.

It was a decision i had already made.

Of course, he had on his mask, the faded red-orange streaks adorning just under his eyes. They had met my gaze before i met his, the dark stormy oceanic blue that ignited a strange feeling in me. Almost like honey pooling in my stomach.

I blinked a few times, confused of how he had such an effect- almost annoyed by it-but quickly regathered myself. I let my shoulders sink and let out my breath, although a tad shaky. I thought on how to greet him, my eyes flashing down from his face and noticing his attire, a tan pair of jeans with a belt and black short sleeve. An outfit already knew he wore a lot- except i had never seen in anything other than a full sleeve. My eyes went back to his, only a few seconds i had spared being elsewhere before i managed to get out something verbal.


I said it breathlessly and almost too quickly. His gaze didn't falter.

"C-Come in?" I stuttered as i opened the door wider and motioned a bit behind me.

König didn't spare a word, not yet, and carefully walked through the entrance, his eyes glazed over me. He shuffled past me, taking a few steps further as i shut the door.

I let go of the handle and turned around, now utterly alone with him.

König was standing at the end of the rather short entrance hallway, creating a strange contrast with how much space he took up in the small apartment. His eyes were off of me and now looking at the random paintings that hung on the wall. Some i had never bothered to look at before. They were all stereotypical, probably the same pictures that the frames were bought with.

He took his time taking things in, his eyes slowly turning to look at the mess of my shoes near the door just behind me. I stopped noticing where his gaze went to however, my eyes started to wander farther down his figure. It was a fresh sight seeing him, i hadn't in some time, which i was already painfully aware of. But it was different this time, he seemed different- whether it's my own emotions or just his demeanor, or even perhaps how he had just a short sleeve on. Something i definitely noticed. It was loosely fitted, hanging just at the mid line of his belt, and despite a baggier fit it seemed to stretch around his upper arms. I had never seen how muscular he is.

"Transitional housing?"

Königs voice snapped me out of my thoughts. My eyes shot up to meet his own gaze, already peering down at me.

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