thirty two

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"You don't need to be sorry. I just.." I trailed. "I wasn't prepared. For all of that. It caught me off guard."

"You couldn't have been prepared. No one is, and not after what you've been through." He replied.

"Yeah.." I sighed.

Königs thumb was rubbing small circles on the back of my hand.

"You knew didn't you?" I blurted.

He squinted his eyes, confused.

"Knew what?"

I dragged my hands out of his grasp, instead folding them tight against my chest.

"About Lina."

König was staring at my arms when i moved them but when i said her name, he looked at me with wide eyes. They flickered for a moment, searching my face. His eyes calmed shortly after, and he moved from crouching next to the chair to sitting on the ground, a knee up as he leaned his back against the other arm chair diagonal from me.

"Yes, i did." He adverted all eye contact.

"For how all long?"

He rubbed at the back of his head before speaking. I ignored the flexing veins that ran through his forearm, wrapping around his bicep.

"Since you first.. introduced me." He met my eyes now.

I furrowed my brows. "How?"

"Y/N, you don't need to know all of this- you just need to rest." He spoke quickly and got up from his seat, moving to stand up and pace momentarily. Restless. Just how i remembered him.

"I've rested constantly for the last couple of months!" I exclaimed, running a hand through my hair. I could feel tears brimming in my eyes. I had no control, and i felt utterly helpless.

Königs head quickly whipped towards me, shocked by my outburst. He stared for a moment, me huffing and letting a few strands of hair fall into my face but not bothering to move them.

"I don't want to upset you."

My eyes flickered around the room.

"Why would you upset me?" I asked.

König shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged.

"You've been through enough already. I don't think it's good to dwell."

My face contorted in yet another confused look.

"It's not dwelling- it's-" I stumbled to find my words. "I just want to know as much as i can.. i'm still struggling to deal with it all." I confessed.

I looked up at him now, our eyes meeting and he took a few steps to me. He was quiet, but he sat down on the other, vacant chair across from me.

"I knew who she was." He spoke. His voice was much softer now.

"Um," He continued. "Lina- she was a well known enemy affiliate. Me and my company have been aware of her-i've seen her picture before."

I nodded as he spoke.

"On the wall- on base- Ah- i-" He paused, eyes on the floor.

He paused, dropping his head down for a second before looking back up at me.

"I knew who she was immediately." He said. "She did too. It's- a very long story."

I nodded again taking a moment to sit with his words, "The police told me she recognized you, and that she caused the attack."

"Ja." He sighed, his fidgeting with his fingers. "I was figuring it out, but she beat me to it."

"Figuring it out?" I repeated.

"Yes- she was a tricky woman."

"Definitely." I whispered.

I sighed and sunk farther into my chair. There was probably a lot he was leaving out, but it was a worry for another time. I had more answers. Even if they're just confirmations, because now i know he knew. I'm not sure yet if it changes much, or if everything i've ever felt I didn't know, but i was dancing around death for much longer than i could've expected. And maybe i needed to keep those that keep me safe. Like König. Maybe i needed to over look him and his faults, no matter how scary. Like i knew before, he was all i had. Whom all i needed. Things ran much deeper than the surface, and if anyone knew that, it was me.

So i edited this and changed the ending a lot. I decided on different plot lines- something ppl enjoyed more so sorry !! but thank u guys anyways for putting up with me 🥲

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