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"Trust me, i have the time to listen."

"Fuck, okay." She said, looking behind her and grabbing the vacant chair propped against the wall.

I took the opportunity to sit up straighter, palming for the phone next to my leg and quickly placing it on the nightstand. Lina dragged the chair over next me as i brought my knees to my chest, anticipating whatever she was about to tell me.

"Well first of all you look like shit." She said. "Im sorry, but you do."

I scoffed, leaning back in surprise.

"Gee, thanks." I replied sarcastically, earning a small laugh from the girl in front of me.

"I don't know much about what happened, but i know it must've been hell. I'm so sorry." She sympathized, leaning forward in the chair and gently grabbing my hand.

"It's okay." I gave her a light squeeze.

She smiled in return, eventually letting go of my hand and returning to how she was sitting before, except now more stiff.

"So.." She trailed off. "What the hell happened."

"I could ask you the same." I replied.

"Yeah, but my story is nothing exciting." She started. "You never came back that night, and at first i thought you went home with someone, but you didn't answer any of my texts. You didn't show up to any of your classes and that's how i knew something was wrong."

I let out a heavy breathe, turning my gaze to my lap as she kept speaking.

"I contacted the police, but i didn't hear back for a while. There was a lot of commotion at the school, and i didn't know what had happened still. Eventually, after bothering the dean, and then the police, i got led here."

Lina threw her hands up as she finishing talking, eyes wide as she looked at me for response.

I didn't know what to say at first. No one had told her what had gone on. That in itself gave me a funny feeling in my stomach, barely anyone know what had happened to me.

"Thanks for being worried about me." I said, but my voice sounded dull. I was indeed thankful, it was just difficult processing all of this.

"Well of course!" She said. "But now it's your turn, what happened?"

I took a long pause as i thought about what to say. It was difficult experiencing, and even more difficult to then explain it all.

"I, uhm," I bit my lip. "I was kidnapped."

Lina gasped, but stayed quiet as if wanting me to say more.

I took a breathe before giving her a quick run down, briefly going over everything and doing my best to spare her of the gorey details, and carefully avoiding saying anything about König. I didn't know how saying that would go down.

"Yeah, and now i'm here." I motioned to the room around me, tugging a small smile on my lips to help comfort the slack jawed Lina now infront of me.

Guess i said too much.

"Sorry, i-" I started but was quickly cut off.

"No, no, no, it's okay. Im just surprised. That's fucking crazy." She breathed.

I scoffed, "Yeah."

Lina gave me a lot of apologies following my little story, telling me how bad she felt that she didn't keep me safe. It wasn't her fault, it was only the sick son a bitches that came after me, but i guess she saw it differently.

"Lina-Lina it's okay, it isn't your fault." I would say, but she was quick to disagree and continue with her sorry's. It was almost laughable, i hadn't even thought someone could be this apologetic. König, he was sorry, he said so, but he was never this vocal about anything.

"God." Lina groaned. "Have you been able to get any school work, or talk to any of your teachers?"

"No, uh, you're kinda one of the only people i've talked to." I fiddled with my fingers. It felt even worse admitting it her than König.

"No one?" Her eyes widened. "What the hell, why has no one helped you with this?"

She scoffed, backing up from her once position of an arm rested on my bed, and reaching for the bag she had left on ground.

"I kinda thought everyone forgot about me." I half laughed, dry of any humor.

"I would never forget!" Lina exclaimed.

She pulled out her phone and was swift to start texting.

"I'll get it sorted, okay?" She said, standing up from her seat. "Is there anything you want me to bring back?"

I sat still as i thought about it. Honestly i'd want my whole dorm room to be swapped in, but that sadly wasn't possible.

"How about my laptop, and my phone or a book or something." I scrunched my eyebrows as i spoke, making up what i could.

"Okay! I'll bring it tomorrow!" Lina gathered her bag and started to walk to the door. "I promise!"

I wanted to say something else to her, but she was out the door and had her phone pressed to her ear while speaking an aggressive version of a german.

"Dammit." I sighed.

But, at-least now i could officially say i had two regular visitors, and now the promise of my own things. The thought of it brought immense comfort, my own things.

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