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The following night i couldn't sleep. The conversation with Lina shook me up for the rest of the day. The seriousness of the conversation we had didn't register until later on; Lina had came in so suddenly and reliving all that trauma had a bad effect on the rest of my day. An even worse effect on my ability to sleep.

I tended to have nightmares, but they died down as the days spent here past. They still happen but, not as intense as my first week in the hospital. I was scared that it would come back now, with how murky my mood had been the entire day, the likelihood of them returning was high. The thought of it had me tossing turning. I wanted to sleep, i needed to sleep, but i just couldn't.

Restless, i sat up. I smacked my pillow in frustration and turned to my side to read the clock on the wall. 11:02. Definitely not as late as most would believe, but with my latest schedule, it was damn late for me.

I ran a hand through my hair and rested the other on the bed to support myself. My gaze shifted to the open window, i tended to always keep it unclosed. I looked out at the city below me, admiring the lights before my gaze shifted to nightstand. The phone.

I debated calling, maybe talking to him could help me sleep, but i figured i couldn't. He was busy. And he still hasn't texted. Why call now?

After some procrastination i ended up laying back in bed, keeping my eyes shut until i did eventually fall asleep. My slumber was short lived however, shortly after drifting off i was met with countless images of my past. The horror and trauma i lived resurfacing before my eyes. It was scary nonetheless, and caused me to wake up not soon after. I just wished i could've woken earlier, but at least i managed to wake up at all.

When my eyes opened all i could hear was my breathing, the heavy and exaggerated sighs of my fear. I could feel beads of sweat on my forehead, and the stickiness of my calves against the thin hospital sheets.


I was right, the nightmares were coming back. Maybe i just shouldn't have slept at all.

I sat up fully, pushing the assortment of blankets and sheets off of me and swung my legs off the bed and stood up. Laying down would've just made things worse, so i decided to pace. Walking back and forth around the room before pausing at the window. I stood by the glass, crossing my arms as i admired the view outside. The moon was full, and let in a lot of light. A majority of what i saw was illuminated in white and blue. It was much more comforting than the yellow hospital lights i usually saw.

My eyes dragged to the clock.


I sighed, looking back outside before my mind eventually wandered. And then the thought came back across me. The phone. I could call, and this time maybe having a nightmare was a better reason than not being able to sleep.

Fuck it.

I marched to the table and took out the phone before i could convince myself not to. I carefully sat onto the bed, turning on the screen and tapping onto König contact. Here goes nothing.

I heard the dial tone ring. I waited, feeling the anxiety in my stomach bubble as i did. A part of me wanted it to go to voicemail, but the other part was desperate for him to pick up. I don't want to say desperate but i was. I missed him as much i hated to admit it. And i don't know, since he did see what i had gone through of sorts, he could understand my pain.

The phone had rung a total of four times and i was starting to lose faith. I took the phone off my ear and was inching my thumb to the red end call button, suspecting no one would answer, but i was quickly proved wrong.


Filler lol but i'll update again soon promise

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