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"Lina?" I asked.

It was her. My question was mainly a why're you here, but i wasn't exactly upset about it. I liked Lina, a lot. She was my only friend friend. König was a friend, but, it was a different dynamic.

Maybe it would be good for them to meet.

"Y/N!" Lina responded, a smile forming on her face as she saw me. Her expression before was one that was almost blank.

"Uh, who's this?" She added. Her eyes glanced to König, whom was near the opposing corner of hers, and quickly flickered back to me.

I laughed awkwardly, taking a step and closing the door that was behind me.

"This Lina, is my.. friend." I paused between my words before gesturing towards him.

"Friend." Lina repeated, avoiding looking to her left at him.


König opted not to speak, instead standing, and staring at our interactions. He was too far away for me to fully understand whatever emotion he had going on in his eyes, but his stature was rigid. It was one of the few times i've ever saw him to totally still.

"Right! Well," Lina continued. "I have things for you."

Lina started walking towards me and for a second i could swear i saw König reflexively move as she did, but it was only for a second.

Again, strange.

"Is this my school stuff?" I asked, looking down as she held a few folders in her hands.

""It's just a few things i managed to get from the teachers for you to get caught up." Lina said. "But honestly most of the them are taking it easy once they heard what happened." She shrugged.

"Right." I half laughed. "Thank you."

I gave her a smile and she slowly returned it as she handed me the items in her hands. She was usually more..enthusiastic.

"I um, don't have much time so i should get going." Lina glanced towards König over he shoulder but quickly looked back to me. "I'll see you later okay!"

"O-Okay." I scrunched my eyebrows as i stuffed the things under my arm.

"It was good seeing you!" Lina was at the door now, giving another look to König and hurriedly leaving.

"Yeah." I whispered a tad defeatedly to myself.

The door shut and the silence ensued. I looked to König, who was still standing in his spot from before.

"Thats Lina i guess." I smiled awkwardly.

"That's your roommate?" König asked.

I nodded a mhm and set down the folders on my bed, keeping one of the books in my hand and skimming the cover. It was text book for one of my classes.

"And she was one with you- that night?"

I paused my skimming and looked up at him.

"Yeah..?" I hesitated to answer. "Why?"

König didn't speak for a minute, his eyes going to the floor.

"Nothing. You should go do that." He gestured to the things on the bed and starting moving towards the door.

He was leaving?

"I remember i do have work today, so i'll try and.." He continued. "Be back tonight."

I eyed him suspiciously, noting how he avoided looking at me directly and opted for everything around me; his eyes quickly flickering around.

"You're joking right?" I dropped the book in my hand onto the bed.

König eyes suddenly snapped to mine.

"No." He shook his head.

I crossed my arms and looked him up and down, noticing how he kept shifting his weight on each leg. Antsy.

"I'll see you tonight okay?" He quickly spoke.

"Okay." I said blankly. I knew something was up.

König opened the door, giving me one last look over before leaving.

I sucked on my teeth as i stared at the door, fulling taking in the fact i was now alone in my room. It felt weird, the whole encounter i just experienced was weird. I kept replaying the moments in my room, feeling the rise of anxiety bubbling in my stomach as i did.

I was really getting fed up with all the secrets.


looking into königs voice lines to try and be more curate with his dialogue

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