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There was a hum of chatter around me, but everything was dark. All I could hear was faint voices and the beeping of a machine.

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking as my vision begun to straighten out.

"Y/N?" A voice called out around me.

I blinked some more before turning my head. It was my nurse, standing beside my bed and looking down at me.

"You've been out a while." She cooed, grabbing an iv line and checking the bag it was attached to.

My eyes trailed down and saw the line going into my arm.

"What happened." I asked slowly, still a little out of it.

"We needed to sedate you, but everything's okay." She replied, giving me a soft smile.

Sedate me. My mind traveled back, vaguely remembering the moments before i was out.

"Panics attack are common, especially with all you've gone through." The nurse started speaking again. "We're all more than able to deal them but, do you know what caused it?"

I looked at her again, my hair brushing against the pillow my head sat on. I felt a ping of sadness as i slowly went over everything once more, hearing what König had said to me.

König. I remembered he was here with me.

My gaze trailed from the nurse to the corner of my room, no König in sight.

"W-wheres ...?" I trailed off, my voice giving out before i could finish my question.

"Your big friend?" The nurse knew what i was asking. "He never left. He's been in the lobby ever since i kicked him out."

A faint smiled appeared on my lips. He never left.

"Do you want me to go get him?" The nurse spoke again.

I moved my head quick back up the pillow, eyes meeting hers as i nodded.

"I'll be right back hun, just wait here okay?" The nurse smiled before she turns and left.

It felt nice knowing König was still here, that i had protection the whole time. Now, with how scared i was growing, having him around eased my nerves.

I turned my head to the other end of the pillow, noticing how the window was much darker than i remembered. It was night. I didn't realize i was out for that long.

I slowly sat up, treating myself carefully as i managed to place my feet on the floor. I hesitantly stood and walked toward the window, leaning a hand on the glass as to not cause myself to fall.

It was pretty outside and it still boggled me how i slept for hours. And König had still managed to stay. I guess he does care.

"Y/N?" A voice suddenly called out from behind me, a particularly familiar german accented one.

I turned my head over my shoulder, sighing full of relief when i saw König.

"Why're you up-" He started walking towards me, his long legs going across the room in just a few strides.

He stopped next to me, eyeing me as i stood up against the window.

"You shouldn't be out of bed." He spoke, grabbing my arm and lightly tugging me in the direction of my bed.

"I'm fine." I laughed, shrugging off his hand with a shake of my shoulders.

König sighed, looking down at me and occasionally looking to the bed behind where i stood.

"König?" I asked in the silence, his eyes flickered to mine as a response. "Why'd you stay?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." He answered bluntly, but his eyes were staring into mine.

I felt myself smile, and even when i looked down to hide it, i knew he saw. I turned and look out the window before turning back to him.

"Thank you for staying." I crossed my arms, feeling a tinge of embarrassment but also a sort of bliss as i looked back up at him.

König didn't respond for a minute. He stood, towering over me, and staring into my eyes with a strange intensity. In that moment i felt comfortable again.

"It's late. You should lay back down and try to get some more sleep." König suddenly spoke, gesturing back to my bed.

My eyes broke from his, and i looked to where his hands went. I guess i should.

"Not like i've been out for hours." I joked, but still went and got in bed.

König stood where i left him and watched as i got comfortable.

"You know, i probably won't be able to sleep for a while." I said. "I don't know if i even want to sleep." I laughed lightly.

Königs head perked up at the last part.

"Why wouldn't you want to sleep?" He asked as he stepped closer.

I laughed dryly and breathy before speaking, "Nightmares." I kept my eyes on the floor as i spoke, but slowly dragged them up as König didn't speak.

He stared at me for a moment. Almost as if he was thinking, working through his thoughts. Should i have not told him?

"I get nightmares too." König broke the silence, but his voice was barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry that you're getting them, though."

I stared at him in surprise, unsure of how to respond. Someone as big and bold as König had nightmares?

König shifted his feet, shaking his head and stepping a few steps back.

"I should go and, uh, let you sleep." He said, taking more steps back before turning to the door.

"König." I called out as i watched him head to leave.

"..Yeah?" He turned and looked at me. His eyes were stuck to mine, and for a moment we stayed-holding contact with a burning vulnerability between us.

"Will you stay?" I squeaked.

Königs eyes crinkled as if he was smiling underneath his mask.

"Are you sure?" He asked, turning from the door to me.

I nodded, "I'm sure."




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