thirty three

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"I wish i could've protected you better." König murmured.

Oh, why'd you have to say that.

The weight of his words settled between us, heavy and burdensome. I wanted to tell him it wasn't his fault, that there was no way he could've known the extent of things- that he had already done so much for me. More than anyone i've ever known. But the words caught in the back of my throat, choked by my memories.

"Don't say that." I finally was able to whisper. "It isn't your fault. None of it was."

König and i's met, holding contact.

"I know." He looked down. "But i still think about it."

I frowned, watching as he sat staring at the floor. I felt guilty, like i had made him feel this way. I had never meant to.

I stood up now, carefully and quietly and went to stand infront him. I hesitated at first, but i grabbed his hands into mine. He flinched just slightly at my touch, causing me to stop and look at him. His eyes bore into mine and i continued to softly take hold of his hands.

"You've done more than enough." I said. "Thank you." I squeezed his hands lightly.

His gaze softened at my words, and a familiar crinkle around his baby blues showed up too. For a moment, the room fell silent. The weight of our words and the sheer experiences we've shared holding enough words for the both of us. As i looked into his eyes, i saw a glimmer of something. It was like a small sparkle. A star. Perhaps a flickering of hope, just like i assumed i had in my own. A hope that everything was working out. He was here and so was i, so perhaps it was.

With no words, König suddenly brought me into an embrace. His arms snaked behind me, engulfing me fully and pulling me into him. He was still in his seat, but with his towering height his head was against my chest, the dark fabric of his mask a stark contrast with my sweater. It took me a moment, but i leaned into his touch, my own arms wrapping around his shoulders, appreciating this small moment of affection. We seemed to be having a lot of those tonight.

We stayed, holding eachother, for a moment or two before König pulled away. I looked at him curiously, his eyes a tad hooded and glazed but nothing of a negative manner. His arms slowly moved from around my torso, and instead of removing them fully, König rested his hands at my hips. My own had found there way down from his shoulders and stalled in the middle of his upper arms. It seemed rather intimate, but i bit my cheek at the thought.

"I'm glad i came over, but it's late Y/N." König spoke softly.

It didn't feel like it had been that long, but glancing to a clock that hung dully on a wall in the kitchen, it had been over an hour.


"I don't want to keep you up any longer-"

He started to stand up, pushing me from him just slightly, but my grip on his arms tightened and he stopped immediately.

"Stay- just- just stay." I blurted out hurriedly, my fingers pressing into the skin of his arms.

His eyes danced around me, looking down my hands on his arms at first.

"Y/N.." He started, his eyes finding his way back to mine.

"I mean it." I asserted. "I don't care- you can leave in the morning or stay until tomorrow, i don't care. Just stay. For a little bit." My voice grew weaker as i spoke, a hint of desperation, but it was justified in my mind, so pushed past the lost puppy look i knew i fronted so often.

"I," He sighed, his right hand coming and digging at the fabric around his head, stretching out small wrinkles anxiously by his neck, causing my own grip on his arm to fall, eventually letting my other hand do the same.

I tilted my head at him, waiting for him to fully answer.

"If you get some sleep, i- i guess i'll stay." König finally managed to get out.

My face lit up, my eyebrows lifting and a smile moving onto my face. He was staying.

Got into the school i've been waiting for forever to finally manage to get into. let's go 2024 !

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