thirty eight

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Four days didn't seem like a lot, but i had gotten used to having König around. It felt like we were back in the hospital spending nights together, but more intimate. It was almost domestic, me and him spending hours together and running errands in the afternoon. It was sweet, and now it was odd waking up to the apartment vacant.

I was groggy and unwilling to really move, but i knew i had to. I sauntered out of the bedroom, going for my normal routine the best i could. I got breakfast, my cheeks dusting pink at the sight of groceries in the fridge. One we had bought together. Strawberries that i washed while König leaned against the counter next to me, like we did it every week. It had my stomach twisting.

I spent some time back on my laptop afterwards, glancing over the flights out of Germany, wishing for it to be a last resort, yet still bookmarked a few sites. I checked in with everything i had managed to miss again, school. It didn't even seem viable at this point- it's not like i could go back. One of their students was under investigation, if they could even find her. I had still yet to find out any updates on that. It was too sketch, and i knew i wouldn't be okay with stepping foot into my old dorm again. Online was an option- or finding my own place to stay. But yet again how was any of it viable-doable.

It made my head hurt.

I didn't have much to do for the rest of day, returning to a weird zombie like phase as i struggled to make do on my own. What was it now- tv? Maybe a book? Stressing? I'll go back to reading.

I had actually managed to pick up a few books while on an outing with König just a few days prior. I wandered off towards the book section of a store, mindlessly skimming and having to shove a rather raunchy book back on the shelf when König caught back up to me. I now had mainly mystery, a tad on the horror side, kind of books. Something to keep me entertained.

I read for a while, switching to something else eventually until noon turned into near dinner time. I managed something on my own, making a small meal and feeling a strange dull tinge in my chest when i had to eat alone again. Just a few days i had to remind myself.

After dinner i was cleaning the one plate i dirtied, listening to chatter on the tv. I didn't expect much else for the rest of the night, but a strange clinging coming from down the hall caught my attention. It sounded like the usual things  i would hear from down the hall, coming from outside the door if the mail was being delivered, the small metal mailboxes being opened for our floor and stuffed with various deliveries. It tended to be a loud process. Thin walls. However i never paid mind as nothing was ever sent to me, but for some reason my ears perked up.

I walked from my spot in the kitchen to the door, waiting a few moments in hopes of missing whoever delivered the mail before opening the door. I peered out and was met with the face of a man in a white uniform, didn't managed to miss him.

He smiled at me when our eyes met, greeting me in German. I did my best to respond back, making light small talk with the man for a moment. My eyes moved down from his smiling face and to his work putting in mail, and noticed his reach towards my own mail slot. There was something for me?

The man noticed my confused and blurted out some words i struggled to piece together before handing me a single envelope. I thanked him and soon waved goodbye, leaving him to more mailboxes before scurrying back inside the apartment i had left.

I closed the door and turned to look down at the manila envelope in hand. It was addressed to me, yes. However, the sender caught my eye.

I ripped it open, taking out a single piece of paper from inside. It was a lengthy note, but a word caught my eyes almost immediately. Eviction.

How could i be evicted from somewhere that wasn't even mine? I had no idea. But considering this came from one of the detectives who worked to put me in this housing, i assumed it didn't matter.

I was no longer welcome.

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