twenty nine

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"God, im such an idiot." I mumbled. I sent the text, i actually sent it.

I knew i sounded so dumb and so desperate, but i couldn't help myself. My eyes started to dry up, but i could feel my cheeks were still wet. I knew i could start sobbing again any minute, and i didn't think i could handle sitting alone anymore.

I could feel the anxiety bubbling in me now. Is he gonna reply? I could end up waiting forever, if my theories of him caring were right. Or maybe he would respond, and then what if it was him telling me to fuck off? I think i would prefer him never responding.

I sat on the floor still, rubbing my eyes as i tried to gain the courage to get up. Then my phone suddenly buzzed.

What's wrong?

Oh god he actually responded. I stared at the message, shocked. I barely knew how to respond, how do i even respond to this? Nothing was wrong. I was crying and in the middle of a quarter life crisis- but that wasn't something you text him for.

I put my phone back down and rubbed my face with my palms. Why do i do these things to myself?

In the absence of my own response though, Konig started typing again- the little dots indicating so. I watched, waiting, until the dots went away. No text. What? The dots came back, and again were quick to disappear. I mentally cursed myself for even texting in the first place, i couldn't even respond or- the dots came back.

Can you call?

I stared at the screen. Call? I hadn't heard his voice in what felt like ages, and what if he started asking questions? I don't even know if i could answer any. What if my voice is shaky from my crying-? God, why is this happening-

I didn't spare too much longer with my dilemma, aware of how quick he was to text more when i neglected to, so i typed up a fast response.

I can.

Simple. Gets the point across. I figured that was best.

It wasn't even a full minute after i sent it that my screen flashes with a call notification, Königs name popping up. I took in a sharp breath before answering.

"H-Hello?" I stuttered into the phone, face palming when i realized i did.

"Y/N?" König replied, his voice gruff, but had a hint of worry to it. I smiled a bit when i recognized his accent.

"Yeah," I laughed awkwardly. "it's me."

"Is everything okay?"

I pursed my lips and thought for a second before replying.

"Yeah, um, everything's fine. I wasn't trying to uh- worry you."

"Then what did your text mean?"

The ringing question i hoped he wouldn't ask.

"I-" I laughed again. "I'm.. not really sure myself.." I trailed off.

König didn't speak a moment, i almost wondered if he had hung up. I tucked a loose strand of hair from my face, sniffling as i waited for a reply.

"Are you crying?" König suddenly spoke up, worry again on his voice.

"No- no, i'm not, no, i'm- i'm fine. Just have a cold, i guess." I lied.

"It's not good to be sick in your condition, are you taking care of yourself?"

I was paused, he seemed more talkative than i remembered.

"Are you still in a hospital?" König quickly followed up.

"No, i uh got discharged about a week ago." I replied.

"Oh." Königs response was short, and i didn't know how to take that.

I shifted on the floor, repositioning to where my legs were up to my chest as i rested against the wall. "Yeah i'm sorta in temporary housing, like an apartment the police provided me. It's not for too long though."

"Are you far from Berlin?"

My eyebrows scrunched at his weird question,

"I'm surprisingly still in the city, actually." I laughed.

It was strange how i was already feeling better.

"Oh, good." König spoke slowly.

"Yeah.." I replied faintly, not sure how to respond now.

We both went silent, neither knowing what to say now.

"Why did you say you needed me, again?" König spoke, a confused tone to his voice.

I pursed my lips before answering. "In all honesty i think i just wanted to talk to you."

I heard a quiet laugh, almost going unnoticed.

"Missed me, ja?" I could hear his smile over the phone. "Well we're talking now."

I smiled too. "I guess we are."

We both stopped speaking again for just a few, but this time it was a comfortable silence. I had forgotten how much i'd enjoyed talking to him, it seemed to cast a wave of calm over me. Speaking to him almost made me forget how much of a night mare it had been as of late, soothing my nerves entirely. And that was when an idea struck me, one that was not particularly smart- but like the first text i had sent- impulsive.

"Would it be possible for you to- come over?" It felt strange asking it, mostly for it sounding like high school couple talk, but also since it reminded of his visits in the hospital. He always just appeared, and i just had to ask if he'd be around again.

"Come over?" He repeated.

"Yeah, i doubt i'm too far, but if not i understand- "

"I can come." He cut me off, rather quickly too.

My mouth opened in surprise but i quickly closed it. "Okay. I can send you the address?"

"Address- yeah, sure. I'll be there."

"Alright.." I trailed off. "I'll see you soon, then?"

"See you soon." König said quickly before the line went dead.

Oh dear god.

i hope 2024 brings you all the best <3

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