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König was gone. And it was weird.

I felt a strange attachment to him, and now knowing he was gone, it was almost like i was lost. His visits, and having the knowledge of his existence and how he cared enough to see me, it was comforting. It was all i had in here.

I did my best to continue on my normal routine, even though all i wanted to do was look out the window with a sour expression on my face, but i knew i couldn't. I needed normality, and to figure out how to get healthy enough so i could get out. I probably had so much work piling up that it would make going back to school impossible, and who knows, perhaps i'd up moving back home.

I huffed, attempting to get myself out of my head the best i could. I was going on day 2 of König being gone. He hasn't texted, and i haven't either. He also hasn't called, so i've done the same. A part of me wanted him to, but i already knew he wasn't going to be able to. He was busy. I couldn't disturb him, and neither could i make myself look desperate. Even though i've most likely had already done that.

I crossed my arms tightly, glancing over to the tray of food that had been left by my bed side. Again, that nauseatingly green jello stared back at me. It was almost taunting.

Deciding to skip breakfast for now, i clambered over to the opposite side of my bed, reaching over to grab the small phone hidden in the drawer beside me. It was an older smartphone, small, and still with a circular home button. I clicked it on, debating whether or not to check my messages. There wasn't any notifications next to the it's icon, but still had hope that i had missed something. I took a deep breath, taking a look around the room in thought. I knew there was nothing but-

"Oh my gosh!"

I was quickly interrupted in thought by a loud and sudden voice in the room. I jumped, obviously startled and very confused, and looked up to where the voice had came from. It was my roommate.

I set my phone down quickly, it finding its way in the mix of blankets on my lap while my former roommate made her way to me.

The room doors shut with a loud click just as she got my side and threw her arms around me.

"I was so worried!" She said, her words pronouncing with a slight accent.

"L-lina?" I asked, but it was more rhetorical. I knew it was her, i was just dangerously confused on how she was here. It had been three weeks.

"Y/n?" She half joked, laughing as she pried her arms off me.

She took a few steps back, eyes going wild as they took in my appearance. She looked the same as before, her short dirty blonde hair tucked behind her right ear. It was refreshing seeing a new face, and i knew she had lots to tell me. And i sure had lots to tell her, and ask.

"How'd you..know i was here?" I asked, struggling to formulate the right thing to say.

"It's such a long story, i had no idea where you were for so long!" She replied, her eyebrows going up high as she spoke. She was always very expressive, but it was one of her charms.

"Trust me, i have the time to listen."

listing to og 5sos while writing this

random burst of writing inspo!!!!!!!!! after a month or two without writing, ik not many ppl still keep up now, but i miss the fandom a lot

tbh treyarch should've done more to keep up with mw2, they lost the hype so quickly </3 heartbreaking

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