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The truck eventually stopped, swaying its occupants as the wheels slowed. The inside was dark, only lit from the small thin windows inside.

The truck doors opened, the man on the outside making sure to open them slowly. Everyone that came into contact with us, with me, was very calm and chose their words extra carefully, like we were glass that would shatter if they misspoke.

I think the worse of the hostages were taken in ambulances first, and me, along with the others were taken there after. I was honestly confused as i navigated through the hospital, a staff member guiding me to a room while they spoke. I couldn't hear them, it was only a murmur in my ears as my eyes blurred out everything in front of me. It was like what had happened while being carried by the man from before, except now i had nothing to focus on. I was walking dazed, and unaware of what was happening, all the sudden noise and bright lights of the hospital overwhelming me. Once i was seated in a bed with people tending to me is when i fully snapped out of it, feeling a sudden prick of an iv going into my arm.

I jumped at the sudden pain, other arm gripping the scratchy hospital sheets underneath me.

"Woah, woah, calm down." The nurse raised her hands in a way to reassure me. "It's alright."

My chest heaved as i looked at the woman. She was older, darker skinned and wearing light blue scrubs. I had barely noticed who she was before now.

I tried to make out a sorry to the woman, but my voice went silent, my throat too strained and dry to make a sound. I instead just sat still as she continued messing with the iv, what i'm guessing was fluids were now going into my arm. She placed a dressing over the top of it and moved to tend to the wounds on my legs. I had a few cuts here and there, mostly bruises.

It took a while, but eventually i was free of being touched. I know had countless bandages on my body, along with ice packs pressed against my sides. I was told i might have a concussion, or even a broken rib, but they weren't sure yet. Sooner or later i had to get an x-ray, and other tests done. I slightly dreaded it, all i wanted to do was lay down and zone out, pretend none of this happened. Pretend i was still a normal, happy college student.


I got my wish, eventually. After countless interactions with people which mainly consisted of me nodding and being treated like i wasn't there, i got to lay down.

I went through an x-ray machine first though, finding out i had two broken ribs and multiple sprains. No wonder i was in so much pain. I think the doctors felt pity for me, they looked at me like a lost puppy, sad. Maybe they were right, it is sad what happened, but i think i'm mainly angry, resentful, and just hurt. Mentally and physically.

I curled up in my bed, bringing the thin hospital provided blanket over my body. It was late now and i knew i should probably go to bed, but i just couldn't. Despite this being my first chance at a comfortable sleep, i couldn't bring myself to close my eyes. I don't know if it was a mix of fear or longing, all i knew was that i starting feel very alone in my room, surrounded by paper white walls and the beeping of machines. Loneliness had never been a fear of mine up until now. I was alone and scared in a hospital room, with no one to go to for comfort.


srry the next chapter will come out later tonight, it's like 9pm for me but most of you it's much later 🙃

i took such a good nap tho MMM

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