twenty six

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Blood, death, and gore. The stench of gun powder, burnt flesh, and the metallic burn of fresh blood. That's what covered the ground, and the air around me.

I was stepping all through it.

Clumsily, yet carefully, i walked down the end of the hallway. I was shocked, no thoughts or words could explain it. I was walking on the remains of people. Bad people. Yet still people. I was smearing their blood across the floor, and making foot prints in their puddles. In a way i felt responsible. I was the reason this had happened, he wouldn't have done this if i wasn't in this hospital, or if he even knew who i was. I think that's why it weighed on me heavy.

Did i cause this?

I was in the lobby now, looking at the scene around me. Bodies on bodies. I walked in a circle just to take it in, almost tripping over my own feet as i did. Even with my past, this wasn't a comparable amount of carnage.

I eventually stopped moving, standing in the middle of the lobby now, just a few feet from the main desk. I had chosen to ignore the receptionist slumped in her seat. That i couldn't handle at the moment. At least what i was seeing now were people i knew deserved death. Her though, she didn't.

I was breathing heavily now, or atleast i was suddenly noticing it. König, he was next to me. I felt his presence, you always hear him when he moved, but i could simply sense him. He held a heavy aura, and it seemed to have thickened during his killing spree.

I looked at him now, but it was almost different. It wasn't like every other time i had seen him. Looked at him. It was as if he was a stranger. I didn't know him anymore. I couldn't recognize him. I thought i had him figured out, and that things were so simple. I was as wrong as someone could be. He was sweet, but he was savage. He took lives in mere seconds, he was trained to kill. It was all clicking now.

I finally understood.

The way he looked at me now, i think he knew. By the way my whole body was tense, how wide my eyes had grown, or by the slight shaking stature i now held. He knew.

We didn't speak. I couldn't. We instead stared. It wasn't the same looks we had shared back in my hospital room. These looks were full of fear. Both of us scared of something different.

"Y/N." He finally spoke.

His legs weren't shaking and his hands weren't moving. He was eerily still, not at all normal for him. But soon after i noticed, he moved towards me. He could've cleared the distance between us in one stride, but i didn't let him. It wasn't on purpose either. It was an involuntary action, but, i immediately jerked backwards. Out of fear.

He froze. His hand was outreached, but it stopped mid air. I watched as his eyes darted wildly, moving all across my face. We shared a heavy moment, but it was cut off short.

A loud eruption came quick, almost an explosion of action. It wasn't bad though, i was soon to realize it was help. Police coming to put an end to whatever was going on. Perhaps it was some of Königs own men. I couldn't tell. My shoulders were dragged roughly, forcing me backwards and out of the hospital. I saw through hazy eyes, and could only see Königs figure getting smaller as i left. He stood, staring at me, as i was eventually forced out of the doors. The outside was a mess, police cars and swat. Military vans and men in uniforms rushing inside. It was chaotic, and it reminded me of the same night i had first met König. This time though, i didn't have him with me.

I wasn't carried out in his arms, or able to shadow him up until the moment i couldn't. We were together just moments ago, but i had never felt farther from him.

lowkey so nervous for everything that's gonna happen next in this fic

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