forty one

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"Your place?" i repeated, my words laced with a heavy confused. i glanced from his gaze down to the key in my hand.

"Yes. You can stay with me." könig replied, much more casually than i would've expected.

"K-könig-" i started to shake my head and my hand grasped around the key. "Just because of all this doesn't mean i need to stay at.. your place."

i frowned as the phrase kept leaving my mouth. yeah, könig has stayed with me, but it was on more hanging out terms. he didn't live there. even at the hospital he was just visiting, i couldn't possible live with him. it seemed like a boundary i would be way overstepping- nonetheless something i could never ask for. or accept. it seemed too much, especially after everything he's already done for me.

"I can't- i can't do that." i continued.

"Yes you can. I want you to."


"Please." he cut me off, stepping even closer to me and putting his hands on my sides. a delicate touch. his eyes bored into my mine, holding a look of concern and sincerity. he was practically urging me to reconsider just with his gaze.

"I said id help you figure it out, this is me helping. It can be until you're back on your feet, whatever you want. I..." könig continued speaking, trailing off and he hesitated with his words. "I want to make sure you're safe."

i let his words settle. going over them in my head a few times as i let out a deep sigh. his words were sweet, and in a way it did make me hear him out. the idea of truly crossing the lines of whatever we have to something more domestic, and not in just a cutting fruit together way, i was unsure of. it was u familiar territory. but as i thought about it, i wasn't exactly against it. his hands on my sides didn't help.

"Fine. But i really don't want to impose." i half agreed.

"You won't." könig insisted, his thumbs now tracing circles against the fabric of my shirt.

i huffed, but gave him a look to show i was okay with it. i honestly hated it, but i didn't have much of a choice.

"Can i drive you there now?" könig spoke again, head tilting to his car.

i nodded reluctantly, his hands falling from my sides as he went to the passenger side door. he tugged it open, eyes coming back to me as he stood expectantly next to it.

god, i hoped he wouldn't do that.

i sighed and went to get into to the car, turning to him and muttering "im never letting you do that again." before sitting down in the leather. all könig did was laugh and shut the door, crossing the front of the car and getting inside on the drivers end. i watched him as he settled in, clicking on the heat with a quick glance to me before starting the car. i sat quietly as he drove, the streets littered with just a few other cars. i shifted in my seat, fiddling with the ends of my sleeves as we sat in silence. i looked over towards him, noticing how he drove with one hand on the wheel and the other rested on the gear shift. the hand not steering raised for a moment, hesitating as if to move more to the right but dropped back down almost as soon as it went up. i bit my lip and looked back to the street.

the drive felt like an eternity, my mind buzzing the whole way through. the air was thick between us, full of unspoken words and the uncertainty of what was to come.

as we pulled into his place, i couldn't help feel a strong apprehension. this was so much more than i could've asked for, and i shake off the feeling of intruding into his life.

könig parked the car, having pulled into a space in the corner of an apartment lot. it was a fancier place, even having a gate you needed a password to open. i was staring in shock as he typed the number in, the gate opening as he drove in. the building was nice too, a tall sleek black building. the lawn was groomed, not exactly full of flowers but it was decorated nicely. nothing like the overgrown vines from where i was staying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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