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What was he hiding?

That was the only thought in my mind for the rest of the night. I couldn't sleep, naturally. All possible bad scenarios were running through my head; what if those people were going to come get me again? What if i wasn't safe here? What if König isn't someone i can actually trust? Or, what if this is all just in my head and i'm overthinking it? I cant decide.

After an hour of thinking, and willing to hear my phone ringing again, i managed to turn on the tv and distract myself best as i could. It was probably around 5am when my exhaustion finally got the best of me and i ended up falling asleep. To my displeasure though, i had more nightmares. These, this time, featured König, and instead of him being the good guy, he was now bad.

As if i wasn't shaken up enough, the dreams didn't help at all. When i woke up my mood was already sour, uneasiness overtaking me as i sat up in my bed. Anxious. Scared. Everything was flowing back and i couldn't control it.

I woke up late, despite my tedious dreams, and was soon met with my afternoon meal. I did my best to calm myself down, sticking to what was actually going on around and not what was stuck in that damned bedside table, and the nasty thoughts it brung.

After a while Lina came, she did bring what i asked her too. Along with a few extra things, which i wasn't opposed to. I was really grateful for her, she was giving me kindness even though she had no reasons too. Perhaps it was just her guilt but, i choose to think she's simply a good person.

She brought my laptop, a few books from my dorm, and an assortment of German snacks and a few she managed to find that originated where i was from. It was sweet, and i thanked her profusely, and then even more when she also whipped out clothing from my closet. God how good it felt to have my things.

I noticed how she didn't bring my old phone, but then she pointed out how i had brought it out with me that night. Meaning, it was gone forever. It made sense, whoever those terrorists were would've made sure to dispose of my phone a long time ago. It made me feel a little less salty towards König, now the phone he had brought me was the only one i had. But i still wasn't over what had happened last night.

As Lina left, she gave me her recommendations on what snacks were the best to eat first, and then slipped me a piece of paper with her phone number. She didn't have any updates on the school situation just yet, but she said she'd be back eventually and that i could call anytime. She was starting to be more of my hero than König was, even thought it felt wrong thinking that.

I just wanted to know what had happened last night. It was practically haunting me.

The rest of my day begun to blur. I changed into one of the outfits that Lina had brought me. I got rather nostalgic putting it on, it made me yearn just to be back in my dorm room. Hopefully soon.



Dinner had been served hours earlier, but i was still up unlike a lot of the other patients on my floor. I had managed to wander out of my room, it was one of the few times i ever did. There were vending machines just on the end of the hall, a few rooms down from mine. I pondered before landing on a snack, putting in the change that was in the wallet Lina had also managed to bring me, and carefully bent down to pick it up from the bottom slot. It hurt my ribs slightly, but i was starting to tell that i was healing by my lessening pain. I definitely complaining though.

Munching on salty chips, i made my way back to my room. I opened the door and glanced up at the tv screen that i had yet to turn off and walked towards my bed. It was only then that i heard a faint buzzing, but i assumed it had been the tv, except then i felt the slight shake beside me. I turned my head and realized the buzzing was coming from night stand, where the phone was.

My eyebrows raised as i realized it was König calling. There was no one else to be calling.

I hesitated for a moment before reaching over and grabbing it out of the drawer. My suspicions were proven to be correct when a bright König was across the screen.

I sighed as i look down at my phone, contemplating on if i should answer. I was still upset about his sudden dismissal from when we last spoke, and that's what made me want to decline his call, but i also knew it probably best if i didn't dodge his calls. I couldn't be that salty in front of him, not yet.

I tentatively press the accept button.

"Y/N?" Königs voice made me want to collapse in on myself.

"Hi." I answered bluntly. Way to mask it.

"Im sorry about yesterday, i can't really explain myself.." He spoke. "I don't have much time to speak though, i'm about to board the plane back to Berlin."

"You're coming back tonight?" I asked, allowing my pettiness to falter.

"Yes. I'll be visiting you soon."

It was almost pathetic how quick my cheeks reddened by his words.

"Oh. That's-good." I fumbled, processing that he was indeed coming back. I guess he was telling the truth about being back soon.

"I guess so-anyways i'll be there, and i have to go now. See you soon, bye."

"Bye." I whispered as the call ended.

God i love the movie burlesque so much
also kinda bad chapter but yea whatever

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