twenty eight

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It's 10:43, and i've been here for one week. I haven't seen him in almost two.

I've drunk four glasses of wine in the last hour. I'm debating switching to vodka. I think i have a problem.

Flight prices keep going up, and i keep telling myself im just going to wait until they go back down, but i have no idea when that will be. I think im just stalling.

Every night i drag myself to bed, but that's only if im not already in it. Sometimes i head to bed at 6 pm. I think im depressed.

It's 11:22.

I keep looking at my phone.

He hasn't texted me since that day.

"You need to get out"

That was the last message he's sent me. The first couple days i didn't really care, i was so shaken up i couldn't even think about him texting or even calling. I too caught up on being scared of him, and the confusion of what i felt towards him. But now, i stayed up every night secretly hoping his name would pop up on the screen. It never did, and im starting to wonder if it ever will.

We hardly ever talked over the phone, he could just visit me in person, but now, i doubt he even knows where i ended up. I could've fled the country for all he knows. Sometimes i wonder if he only started seeing me because he knew about Lina. Her involvement. Maybe he was only there so he could soak up any information from me. Maybe he never really cared for me.

"FUCK" I exclaimed in frustration, absentmindedly throwing my phone from my hand and across my room. It didn't register with me at first, my hands went to face and cupped my forehead before it did.

Shit, shit, shit. I jumped out of bed and looked for the phone, quickly seeing it in a far corner. I rushed over and checked it, turning it on and flipping it over to see if had cracked. He gave me this, i can't fucking break it.

I turned it over and back around a few times, sighing with relief as it was working just fine, no cracks in sight. I collapsed onto my knees. Why do i care so much?

I put the phone back down, making sure to so gently. I shifted my body and sat fully onto the floor, taking a breath as i soon felt my eyes watering. It was like i had no control over myself, i began to cry and i couldn't stop. Tears flowed from me and my chest heaved. I was fully sobbing, letting out every emotion i could possibly feel.

I was scared, i was alone, and i couldn't help but just cry.

I clutched my head, letting it fall to my knees as i shut my eyes tightly. When they opened they immediately went to my phone. Just like my crying, it was like i couldn't stop myself.

My hands went to grab it, unlocking it and going to my messages. Still, no messages. My tears fell quicker and i made an impulsive decision.

I texted him.

My thumbs moved faster than i could think, ignoring the tear drops that fell onto the screen as i typed out my message.

I need you.





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