thirty nine

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"I thought i had months!"

"Schatz, i know-"

"No, no- what am i supposed to do-?!"

I couldn't help but freak out. I had been freaking out for the past two days. I didn't know where to go- or what to do. What can i do? it's not like i have a life of my own here, life seemed to just pass me by. but i ended up doing the only thing i know how to do, call König. it was nauseating how often i did- how reliant i tended to be on him. even since we first met. but what else would i do? who else could i got to?

he didn't pick up at first, he was busy. of course he was, he at work for hells sake- and i knew that, yet i still called. but he texted me, and was only able to get on the phone the following day, managing to actually calm me down for just a little with our conversation.

"Schatz please, just tell me what it says."

"No, no, it doesn't matter, i couldn't care less for what they have to say!"

"If you tell me maybe i can figure out how to fix it.."

"I- ugh, okay, fine."

i spent the next twenty minutes explaining the letter i had gotten, most of it in intervals of me reading off the words and then my own panicked tangents. however the gist of the letter was that i was kicked out, no longer welcome in the apartment i was so graciously gifted. i was infact supposed to have months, a very long time to figure out my very complicated life, but they cut it short. and the reasoning was the most infuriating part.

it was because of könig.

as for what the letter said, neighbors and other individuals who were staying in the accompanying apartments of the building, were complaining about having a "scary man" visiting the building. he had been around for maybe five days, five days. the neighbors couldn't have seen more than a handful of times, yet only complained when they did. it made my blood boil.

after i was done talking könig went silent on the line, the only sound being the occasional breath.

"König? You there?" i spoke again into the phone.

"... Yes." his voice had dropped to a lower tone, one of distress with a small hint of guilt in his words. "Scheisse, i knew i shouldn't have came to see you."


"I- it's nothing." he said quickly. "Schatz i'll be there tomorrow, please, don't worry."

i struggled to reply and instead sat with the phone screen against my ear. shouldn't have came to see me. it made me frown and i couldn't quite decipher what he could've meant. did he feel bad? it wasn't his fault- god he was only here because i asked him to be. did he regret it?

"Okay.." i finally spoke, swallowing hard as the words left my mouth. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Be packed before i'm there. I'll have it figured out."

"Wh- packed?" i repeated, confused. "König i thought-"

"Just do it, okay?" he cut me off, and i quickly stopped talking. "I'll explain when i see you, but i have to go now."

i sighed lightly instead of speaking, unsure of what to say again.

"It'll be okay, schatz. Trust me."

"I know, and i do."

königs laugh came out of the phone speaker.

Ja." he snickered. "I'll see you soon, tschüss, bye.

"Bye." i replied, letting the call end and putting the phone down.

i guess i have to pack.

go listen to the boy is mine by ariana grande

Redemption - Konig x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now