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writing is changing from more of a fast past past tense style, now into more in the moment slow pace. <3

"Ugh." I flicked the container of jello with my spoon, it falling over to the side on my tray.

Jello. My daily, complimentary, treat with all my meals. I've been eating jello for over two weeks now, i've started to get sick just by it's smell. It didn't matter if it was red or yellow, or perhaps the occasional lime green, it doesn't change my intense spite i had growing for it. German hospital was very different, and honesty a lot better than most, but i think jello is just a universal staple while in hospice at this point.

I sighed and turned to my glass of water, taking a small sip from it. Maybe it'll help get the jello taste out of my mouth. I could see the sunlight reflecting in the glass, it was just turning into the afternoon and the sun was currently at its highest. There wasn't a lot considering it was fall in Berlin, but the sun still made its appearances now and then. Natural light was a lot better than the humming fluorescent hospital lights. They were starting to give me headaches, and the flickering ones in my bathroom didn't help.

I held the water glass in my hand, tilting it slightly and watching the water swoosh around inside. I should probably turn on the tv. I steadily got up from my bed, pushing the food tray to the side, doing my best to ignore the wheels of the metal stand it was connected to screeching as i swing my feet to one side. I slowly walked to the arm chair in the corner of the room, grabbing the remote that sat on the upholster. I still can't figure out why the nurse always puts it there.

I waddled back to my bed, wincing as i laid down. The pain in my sides had barely subsided, i could still feel the pain that came with breathing, though i think i've gotten used to it by now. Every time i moved i felt it in my chest, that's why i usually opted out of leaving my bed.

I flicked on the tv, a bright blue logo popping up. The usual. I feel like i have this tv memorized at this point, all i can do is sit here and watch it. It's quite censored, considering it's a hospital tv, but i know all the good channels. Anything that actually peaks my interest. I've been here two weeks, sixteen days to be exact, so i've got it down pretty well.

I'm not entirely sure when i'm supposed to leave, i hoped it would be soon. But i knew deep down it wouldn't. I was messed up bad, broken ribs, fractures, and various other infections. I felt like hell all the time, and i could barely sleep. The only thing that occupied my mind was how much my body hurt. It seemed at night all the pain hit, maybe the countless amount of meds they had me wore off past 9pm. Or maybe that's just when the horror starts to sink in my brain, and the depressing hospital nights make it impossible to shake off.

Hospitals are scary at night, everything's quiet and dark. The hallways are usually lit up by morning sun in the windows, but at nights it's the buzzing yellow from the ceiling light fixtures. Not to mention how vacant it is. There's usually only a person at the front desk, which is rather far from where i stay. The night shift nurses are never on my floor, and if they are it's just them doing rounds and checking in on patients routinely. I guess they don't pay much attention to the inpatients at night. It seems straight out of a horror movie though, and honestly when it's mixed with my nightmares it becomes one. Waking up in a cold sweat, with the pained, my-heart-skipped-a-beat feeling in my chest. It's impossible to overcome.

I try my best not to dwell on it thought, distract myself with drama shows until my brain goes numb. I'll worry about my issues when they arise.

I eventually decided on a sci-fi show to watch, giving myself some diversity from the usual pick. Blue and red lights danced on the tv screen, it was perfect for wanting to simply zone out, which is exactly what i did. Letting myself get immersed as to drown out my own sorrows.


My head suddenly snapped to my left, looking at the door to my room, which was now slightly open with a head poking through. It was my nurse, my usual one.

I open my mouth to speak but was cut off by her continuing,

"There's someone here to see you, i hope you don't mind." She smiled.

To see me? Who would be here, my roommate? Two weeks too late, Lina.

I gave a small nod to the nurse, eyeing the door she was behind suspiciously. Who the hell was it?

"You can come on in now." The nurses head disappeared, leaving the door ajar for whoever was behind her.

I almost thought there was no one actually coming, the door was left open after my nurse left, but i couldn't see outside it. I watched the door, motionless, for a few seconds before it finally opened, as if the person behind it was hesitant to enter. However, a familiar figure stepped through.

My eyes widened.

"It's you."


sorry for no updates for a while, it was finals week </3

but i'll be updating a lot now !!

also ty for 10k reads!!!

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