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My breathe hitched. He did pick up. I froze for a moment, staring at the now ongoing call on my phone.

"Y/N?" König spoke again.

I snapped out my trance and brought the phone to my ear.

"Uh, yeah, hi." I stammered. God i sounded like an idiot.

I heard a small breathy laugh from Königs end, then a slight shuffling of what sounded like nylon clothing.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I don't know.." I trailed off. Now that i was actually on the phone with him i wasn't sure what to say. Think, think, think.

"Did something happen?" I heard more shuffling and then the squeak of a metal chair. It sounded like he was busy, or at-least in the middle of something.

"I just, uh, had a-nightmare." I pinched the bridge of my nose as i spoke, my lips pursed out of my embarrassment. Perhaps i shouldn't have called after all.

"Night mare?" König said. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's nothing really new. I'm sorry if i called at a bad time."

"No, no you didn't. I'm just at-er-base."


"You're at a base?" I asked, switching my phone from my right ear to my left.

"Yes." König hesitated before he spoke, as if he didn't want to admit it.

My mind went to the moments when we last spoke. He told me it was nothing, his new work assignment was nothing to worry about, but now it didn't seem like such.

"Why're you at a base?" I asked. I probably shouldn't be asking things like this, and focus on testing the waters of what was acceptable to ask about his job, but now i was growing curious.

"Work." He hesitated again.

Now i definitely knew something was wrong.

"Is there something i should know about-?" I asked, crossing my arms and looking at the walls around me.

I heard shuffling again from Königs end.

"No, it's nothing okay. I have to go now, i'll be back in Berlin soon. I'm sorry, bye." Königs line went silent and i soon heard a tone indicating he had hung up.

I took my phone off my ear and stared at it. A small part of me expected him to call back, his caller id about to pop up on screen but it didn't. It was unlike him to be so secretive, but now thinking back, it seems like there has been a secret after all. Something was definitely going on and he just wasn't telling me about it.

I sighed, tossing the phone back into open drawer and roughly slamming it shut. I was frustrated and growing concerned. What was he hiding?

Things are happening!!!
sorry it's so short, prob should've just waited and put this in last chapter ugh

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