twenty one

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König never came back.

A part of me knew he wouldn't, i just wanted to believe he wasn't lying.

I waited until it was late at night, watching the clock grow closer to midnight with each tick. He still hadn't shown up, and i was starting to give up hope. Perhaps he was busy, or perhaps his meeting of Lina scared him away. But that, id have no reasoning for. It wouldn't make sense for him to be scared of her. Or, possibly, there was something i wasn't seeing. It didn't matter in the end though, he wasn't here, and that i wound up accepting.

I was finally tucked into bed, the television still on so the hum on whatever channel was playing could drown out my thoughts, but that hardly worked. My eyes were strained to the wall in front of me, the faint light of the screen illuminating small dust particles in the air. I couldnt sleep. The only thing that seemed to show when i closed my eyes were my last moments with König.

I remember i do have work today, so i'll try and.." He continued. "Be back tonight."

"You're joking right?" I dropped the book in my hand onto the bed.

König eyes suddenly snapped to mine.

"No." He shook his head.

I crossed my arms and looked him up and down, noticing how he kept shifting his weight on each leg. Antsy.

"I'll see you tonight okay?" He quickly spoke.

"Okay." I said blankly. I knew something was up.

König opened the door, giving me one last look over before leaving.

I sighed, shifting the side of my cheek deeper into the softness of the pillow. What had happened.


1:07 pm.

"Ow." I groaned, my hand instinctively going to the side of my body.

I had just got one of my final bandage changes, my wounds still sore despite their healing. I was informed as well of my soon to be discharge. I was set to leave the hospital by the end of the week, to be on my way back to school, and whatever normal life i now had waiting for me. It all felt fuzzy.

I was alone in my room once again, the nurse having left moments ago. She always wrapped me up a little too tight, but she swore it would help get me ready to go. Doubt it.

My thumb rubbed at the large lines of white cotton that i felt through my shirt, my eyes searching around my room in a slight boredom. All my time prior to the nurses visit i had spent doing my work, all of which i had seemed to be almost caught up on. Lina hadn't lied when she said my teachers were taking it easy on me, it was practically nothing. At least i could count on her not to lie.

The thought made me roll my eyes. Lie. It just made me think of König, whim of which i just wanted to ignore but the thought of him was prevalent in my mind. He never showed up last night, and as far as i was into today, he hadn't came either. Frustrated, i stood up. I didn't feel like being in my room for the time being, it made me think even more about him.

I made my way out of my room, stepping into the hall as i turned the left. I was closest to the left end of the hallway with my infamous vending machines. They just made my day everytime.

Bubbly orange, plum purple, all the possible colors were displayed the in small cans inside. This was the most important decision of my whole day. There wasn't exactly much else going on after. Orange was i eventually chose, a sparkly and condensation dripping Fanta was now in hand. It was almost an accomplishment whenever i got these.

Trailing back, i looked out the window. It was cloudy and the parking lot outside seemed busy. No wonder it was particularly quiet on my floor. My fingers tapped the metal of my can, my eyes still wandering over the bustling outside of the window. I looked up to building that were farther out of view. The tall, and mainly grey figures towering over the horizon. I wondered which was my school, if any.

Turning back to hallway, i slowly made my way back towards my room, my fingers going to press open the can when i suddenly heard a loud crash from below me. I stopped walking as more noise began growing from beneath me. I looked up at the long hallway in front of me, a few other patients that were staying on the floor had left their rooms, standing confused in their doorways.

Worry began to rise in me, the urge to run back into my room beating in my head as i suddenly felt a buzz in my pocket. My free hand left to grab my phone, the one i had changed from my drawer to instead my pocket, and held it out infront of me.

A message read out on the screen,

You need to get out

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