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"Y/N?" The nurse called out my name as she entered my room. "You have a visitor."

She gave me a smile, a knowing one. It was 2pm, and i was waiting for König it turn up. He said he would, and i've been anticipating his visit since i woke up. By the nurses smile, i knew it was him.

"You can let them in." I replied. I was on my bed, as usual, and currently on my laptop. I had figured out that video games were way better than Tv.

I pushed the device to side, closing it and setting on the extra space on top the table beside me. The nurse has just disappeared behind the door, and then König stepped out.

There he was.

I raised my eyebrows at him as he closed the door, stepping fully into the room.

"Hey." I greeted.

His eyes caught mine and i felt rush throughout my body. I hadn't seen him for a while. Less than a week to be exact but, time moves slower while in here.

"Hi." König spoke roughly, he sounded tired; raspy almost.

My eyes scanned him up and down, he was wearing light khaki pants and a black long sleeve. I could vaguely see the outline of his body, how big his biceps were.

I shouldn't be thinking this.

"Uh- You can sit down if you want." I motioned to the chair in the room. It wasn't in its official spot, i kept it propped by window in case Lina ever arrived. She liked how big the windows were.

König nodded, scraping the chair across the floor so it was just a foot closer to my bed. I watched as his eyes flickered over the chair, they had a look of uncertainty. He kept his hand on the back of it, not yet sitting down as he looked to me.

"Has someone else been here?" He asked, i saw him look to the laptop beside me, his eyes going a little wider out of curiosity.

"Yeah, actually." I replied. "My-friend-Lina."

"Lina." He repeated. "I thought you were new to Berlin." He finally sat down.

"She was my roommate back at school. She's been helping me a lot." I motioned to the laptop and then my clothes i was wearing. "She brought all of this from our dorm."

König nodded, taking in the new additions to my room.

"You look good in purple." He spoke. He meant the purple sweater i currently had on.

I felt myself blush and i looked down.

"Thank you."

König shifted in his seat, his eyes still on me. I felt on edge, not as comfortable as i tended to be around him. It was because of our phone call, it was just so ominous.

"Can i ask you something, König?" I looked back up at him.

He nodded.

"What happened when you were gone?" I looked to the floor before looking back up again. "What we're you doing?"

I bit my lip as i waited for his response. I prayed he wouldn't be so secretive this time.

"I don't think i should tell you." He said. His eyes were no longer on me.

"I know somethings up." I leaned forward hoping to catch his previous gaze so he would talk to me more.

König sighed, shifting his legs and crossing his arms.

"I cant say much, it's not exactly public information but, it's about Al-Qatala." He paused. "They're back."

I froze.

My breath hitched and i couldn't move. I had my suspicions, but i never knew whether or not they were true so it didn't scare me much but now, i had the worst of them be confirmed. I wasn't safe, how could i be when even König didn't want to tell me about all this.

It didn't take long before i snapped out my trance, except now i was in an even worse state. I started to panic. I went from not breathing to breathing excessively, a full blown panic attack.

"Y/N?" König said, tilting his head at me.

I didn't reply, i couldn't if i wanted to.

"Y/N?" König asked again, this time moving closer and grabbing my arm.

I flinched, my eyes meeting his wildly. That's when he knew something was wrong.

"Oh no." He said under his breath.

He was quick to leave, letting go of my arm and calling a nurse whom instructed him to stay out of the room once she saw me. I only managed to get worse, curling up in a ball on my bed as my mind wandered to the worst imaginable places. The nurse called in someone else but i didn't see who, all i knew was that she speaking to me and telling me to calm down. All of which didn't work.

"Y/N, hun, can you look at me." The nurse said, gently taking my arms from around my knees, causing me to look up at her.

"It's gonna be okay." She said, but that's when i noticed the needle going into my arm, and everything going black.

I've been sedated before and it honestly sucked

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