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I didn't want to let go of him, i couldn't let go, and so i didn't. For a while.

I clinged onto him like my life depended on it, using every last bit of strength inside me to hold onto the fabric of his sleeve. I felt as if i let go, my life would end. That i would go back to my confinement without him, or my lungs would slowly crush inside me until i could no longer breath. Holding onto his arm was all i had right now.

I expected him to shake me off eventually, push me off of him in annoyance but he didn't. He sat with me, setting me in an ambulance as a blanket was placed over my shoulders. I wrapped my hand around his arm again, or at least what could fit around it. My fingers looked tiny in comparison to his size. Sitting down next to him made it more obvious how much bigger than me he was, his thighs were twice the size of mine, maybe even bigger, and they stretched out longer than i could've imagined.

"Are you able to talk?" The man that i was grasping suddenly asked.

For a second i forgot what talking was.

I looked over to him, turning my gaze from the soldiers directing other hostages up into trucks to then his face. I looked up into his eyes, tilting my head upwards to see them fully. I didn't say anything in response to him, i didn't exactly know how to. I couldn't remember the last time i had actually spoken.

"I guess not." He looked away.

I clutched his arm tighter, making him look back at me.

"Yes." I whispered. My voice was hoarse and strained.

"Good." His blue eyes looked into mine. "You're safe now."

I felt the edges of my mouth twitch slightly, a small smile forming as i put all my trust into his words.

I didn't let go of him until i had to, practically being pried off him. I had to leave, getting ushered into a truck by a different individual to take me away. I was told i was getting taken to a hospital, everyone here was. But a part of me still wanted to stay with the man that had rescued me. That same scared, lung crushing feeling appearing when words were spoken to me.

"Come on now, we're going to take you somewhere safe."

Everyone kept repeating safe, you're gonna be safe, but to me in this moment, no where seemed as safe as beside the soldier i had met.

I stepped off the ambulance edge, stumbling a bit but balancing myself with the arm i still had my hand around. He walked me to the truck i needed to get into, giving me a long look before he turned and left. I almost wanted to cry watching him walking away. I was alone now, and i was scared for the first time since i saw him. I didn't even know him, but he brought a sense of comfort i never knew was possible. Im sure it was just because he saved me, rescued me from my miserable hell, but it didn't matter. It didn't take away from the fact i was safe because of him.

"König!-" The doors inevitably closed as i heard a name being directed to my infamous savior.

So that was his name. König.

That name was the only thing i could think about. Sitting in this truck, full of sorrow stricken hostages all waiting for it stop at whatever destination we were sent to. It bounced around in my mind, staring down at the solid gray van doors and picturing the letters appearing inside my head. With my little German i knew König meant King. I couldn't help but smile. I liked his name.


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