thirty six

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"I'm okay." He said, amused. "I'd much rather join you."

Join me it is, i guess. It might even be more enjoyable with him there, i sometimes hated going out. Anxiety tended to eat me up, something i noticed happened more often after i left the hospital.

"If you insist..then sure." I replied with a shrug, tucking the keys back into my pocket.

König nodded at me, standing just behind me on the staircase.

"Great. Where to first?" He said.

"There's a store just down the street, i usually go there." I turned and started back down the stairs as i spoke.

"The Edeka?" I heard from behind me.

"Yeah." I laughed. "You know where it is then?"

"Hard to miss it."

He was right about that. It was a small store on the corner of the street we were on, but the logo was a yellow and blue 'E', making it quite easy to spot. It felt like an eyesore at times.

We reached the bottom of the staircase now, i paused and looked behind me before i went to leave the building. Königs eyes met mine as he walked the last step, moving in front me and glancing out a window near us.

"Scheisse." He said, stepping up closer to the glass.

I looked over now too, noticing the sudden down pour of heavy rain outside.

"Was it raining when you got here?" I asked, bearing the window too.

"No." He shook his head, turning to look at me.

I frowned. There was no way i was going out in this.

"Well, guess i'll go tomorrow then." I sighed and crossed my arms, a slight irritation in my voice. Of course this would happen right now.

"Yeah, you should. I didn't want you getting sick in that either way." He nodded to the hoodie i was wearing.

My eyebrow furrowed and i looked down confused at my torso. "What's wrong with my hoodie?"

König laughed. "It's way too cold to just be in that."

I gave him a pointed look, earning yet another laugh. I let out a huff and turn to the stairs to start going back up.

"It's not that cold." I spoke, climbing up the first couple of steps. I could hear Königs footsteps as he followed behind me.

"I could see you shivering on our way down."

I opened my mouth to reply, but all that came out was a small gasp.

I was glad my back was facing him, as my face went bright red. I was shivering a tad earlier, but i had hoped he didn't notice. I neglected to reply to him further, and instead hurried up the stairs until we reached the floor my apartment was on, König stifling a laugh on the way.

I walked the hallway down my door, König close behind me, i turned my head to him for a quick second, his eyes full of a sense of amusement. I turned back with a squint.

I went to unlock my door when i noticed one of my- neighbors- opened the door to their own apartment as i did. I looked over surprised, a new face popping up and looking at me with a matching expression. They didn't look for long, as their yes flickered to behind me and they hurried back inside. Strange.

I looked over to König again, my eyebrows furrowed in a you saw that too? He nodded, his eyes looking to the door for a few seconds before coming back to my gaze. I brushed it off after a few seconds, jamming one of my keys into the door handle and pushing it open.

I sighed as i walked inside. Much warmer. I placed my keys on the kitchen counter and turned to König as he shut the door and walked inside too. I looked at him for a long moment, fully taking him in in daylight.

"Warmer?" He called out. I blushed and looked down at my feet.

"A little."

He laughed, walking over to the kitchen table adjacent to me and shrugged off his hoodie, leaving it on the table top. He was in the same outfit as yesterday now, plain black tee and the typical cargos. I had to tear my eyes away to avoid staring.

"So why'd you have to leave this morning again?" I said, trying to get words out to avoid a silence between us.

"Work." He replied. "I had some things to clear up, but it's over with now." He quickly added on to explain.

I nodded my head. "You tend to get called in like that sometimes, right?"

I thought back to weeks prior, the random moments where he would appear or disappear because of work.

He shook his head. "It's not really getting called in, i just had stuff to get done."

I nodded again.

"I wish i hadn't of needed to leave this morning." He spoke more.

I let out a small laugh. "Yeah, me too."

My eyes met his, and they crinkled in a smile as he looked at me. Butterflies. Butterflies soaked in honey.

"Thank you again for last night.." I said shyly, eyes not leaving his.

He took a long moment speak, instead gazing softly at me. "Of course."

I finally managed to look away after he spoke, shuffling my feet as my cheeks started to burn. The room fell quiet for a few moments, standing in a now comfortable silence with each other.

"You know, I'm free from work for a couple of days.."


we hit 250k on this so thank u guys sm !!! <3

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