twenty four

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König had led us to a room, tucked away in a vacant hall with a large security written next to it. Smart.

It felt strange in a way to be König in this moment. If having my attackers be brought upon me again wasn't enough nostalgia, being saved by König once more was. Everything was being brought back full circle, and i was scared of what this new ending would be like.

I watched as König jammed his shoulder into the door, roughly pushing and eventually breaking it open. He quickly ushered me inside, shutting the door just as random shoots of gunfire broke out. My head whipped to the door, watching Königs hand slip off the handle as my heart started to race.

Königs eyes met mine, and as if he could read the panic in them, he softened his expression-the small sliver i could see of it- and moved forward to me.

"Y/N.." He said. I swallowed as he took another step, but it wasn't because of it. His eyes left mine and instead dragged to my hands, watching for a moment as my fingers tugged anxiously at my sleeves.

"It's gonna be okay.." He spoke slowly.

I fumbled with a loose strand of my sweater as i processed what he said.

"Do you promise?" I asked.

Königs eyes crinkled, as one would if they smiled, and he shook his head slightly at the ground as a breathy laugh came from him.

"Yes, i promise. Ich habe dich gerne." He said. His tone softened has softened on the German part, however i couldn't quite understand it.

"What does that mean?"

"Doesn't matter." He hummed. His eyes went back to my hands.

I watched as his own reached out, finding mine in just a second. He held my hands, but our fingers never interlaced. König was such a large man, a masked one that was a kinged member of the military, but to me he was gentle. He was scared to hold my hands, he was nervous to sit to close to me, yet towards everything else he was the opposite. It was peculiar, but something i've grown to admire.

Königs hand slipped from mine and his gaze went to the computer assortment to my left, our moment of delicacy over. When he moved to behind the desk they stood on, that's when i noticed to wall next to me. To my right there was a wall covered in screens. It was entirely camera footage, and as i stood there, i think my whole world shifted. The screens were large, and there were just under a dozen that lined the wall. Each one was highlighting a room in the hospital. I slowly turned my body to face it, taking in what i was watching.

None of the rooms were normal. None calm, or looked to be quiet in any way. The screens were filled with what i had witnessed early on my floor, dozens of people running. But one in particular was what struck me. One screen was the lobby, the main entrance of the hospital, and it was full of gunfire and bodies.

I felt as if my blood had gone cold, and my body refused to move. My eyes started to water as i looked, staring into a corpse of what were possibly moments ago, normal breathing people.

The screens suddenly flicked off.

"You don't need to see that." I heard from behind me.

But i already had.

I stood unmoving for a moment, staring at a now black screen, before feeling a tug at my arm.

"Let's go." König spoke from beside me, lightly tugging at my arm once more before i had decided to start moving.

"The only way out is through the front or the roof." He continued.

"But the front-" I started to mumble.

"I know." König cut me off, but it wasn't in a malicious way. He sighed before speaking once more, "We'll move quick and it'll be fine."

I nodded mindlessly, still stricken by the events i had watched. König gave me a look over before heading towards the door, holding a hand up for me to stay as he peaked his head out to check the surrounding hallway. He motioned towards me afterwards and i followed him out, running a hand through my hair as i tried to free my mind of the fearful fogginess. It hardly worked but i had no choice but to ignore it. There was still gunfire.

König turned a corner and the hallway went wide, we went nearing the front of building and i could hear the shots growing louder. Here goes nothing.

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