1. A Blast In The Past...

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Hinata swung on the swing moving her legs back and forth as she felt the wind beneath her arms and hair. She could never get her grip on the swing right as the chains were too rough for her tiny hands.

She also wasn't supposed to swing by herself but she never listened to her parents. Her mother was seated on the bench in front of the park with swollen feet and ankles, taking long steady breaths as she rubbed her belly, she was 6 months pregnant with her third child. Her father hated for her to be out like this but she never wanted to make her children suffer by also keeping them in the house.

Neji climbed up the slide as he witnessed his little sis swinging all by herself without any supervision.

At only 8 yrs old he was very authoritative he picked up that trait from their father. "Hinata get off that!" If only he had said that when she slowed down she wouldn't have gotten nervous & lost her grip causing her to fall off. She looked over at him with her hands wiggling and her legs keeping still, losing all train of thought she fell off, falling face first as the mulch got into her hair. Too bad for her Neji was already on the monkey bars but she was quickly helped up by a boy.

While high in the air he noticed that the girl that was on two swings over had suddenly fallen off.

He quickly jumped off and attended to her while rubbing and cleaning the dirt and mulch off of her.

She wasn't all the way clean but how was a 6 yr old supposed to get the full details of that?

She got quiet and the tears began to fall, the bottom of her lip hanging, her head hanging low, and both of her shoulders coming up to her ears she covered her face with shame, saddened by the accident.

But she soon made a yelping sound as he pulled her in and hugged her "it's okay! You just have to be a lil careful next time sugar pop." He grinned.

They soon stepped back from each other breaking the hug and her eyes looked at his face starting from the top of his head to the bottom of the front of his shoes. Her eyes looked with curiosity.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I'm 6 years old, I live across the lake and I'm a Sagittarius."

"What's your name?" He waited for her to answer as he jumped on top of the railing that held the swings up from the swings themselves and jumped back off.

She curled up in shyness until he jumped back down landing in front of her. How can a 6 yr old be so full of energy and seems to be doing rough activities that are considered 'dangerous' for a child?

"M-m-m-my name i-i-is Hi-hi-hi-hi.." She kept on repeating 'hi' as she shifted her eyes back & forth to the left side from the right. Not paying entirely too, too much attention to her stuttering he accepted that as her name. "Well hello 'Hi' what's your zodiac sign and how old are you?" He jumped on the swing that she fell off of and began standing on the seat of it as he moved it from side to side.

"I'm a-a-a-a Libra and I'm 5." He did a backflip off the swing and shook her hands with excitement.

"Nice meeting ya! Let's go play!" He pulled her arms in anticipation, dragging her along as he guided both of them to the full playground.  "C'mon!" He said as he invited her to climb up the steps to the big slide.

She tried keeping up with him but he was too fast.

The poor lil thing didn't even get three steps in up the steps before he pulled her up with his strength.

He lost his balance stumbling backward hitting his head pretty hard. She collapsed on top of him and gasped in fear for him.

"A-are you alright?"

She stood up and he quickly jumped up like he didn't just hit his head. "Yeah! C'mon, let's go!"

He dived into the slide laying on his stomach sliding down with impatience.

She watched in fear as he disappeared into the dark.

Looking inside it she was quite afraid because she hated the darkness and she never slid on this slide because of its height and width.

Her eyes widened.

Heart beating fast, legs wobbling uncontrollably, hands getting sweaty, shoulders scrunched up, she sat down shaking in fear, she pushed herself a lil bit inside of it, with her chest having up and down.

Just when she was about to get out Naruto came up behind her and pushed himself inside the slide once again but this time he crashed into her which made both of them lose their balance going down the slide.

They both were now covered in dirt and mulch as he collapsed on top of her this time.

He got up with worry in his eyes fearing that he may have hurt her.

"I'm sorry sugar pop!"

He quickly sat her up helping her up on her feet.

She looked down and then looked up at him.

As her arms went up in the air as she began to jump up and down cheering in full energy.

"That was fun! Let's do it again!" Naruto gave her a high five in agreement. "Yeah!" He said cheesing.

They both continued to go down the slide and play inside the whole park for about an hour they even tagged Neji and the other kids along.

As the sun had gotten ready to come down it was time for them to leave.

Naruto's mother called him. "Sweetie it's time to go." He ran over to her covered in dirt as Neji and Hina followed behind him. "Your children are beautiful." His mom said to their mom as she glanced down at both of them smiling and genuinely talking calmly.

"Your son is quite handsome as well." She smiled
and complimented her back.

They both began to exchange numbers as they made friendly small talk.

Naruto leaned over to Hina and began to make some friendly small talk of his own.

"Hey, sugar pop let's be friends."

She began smiling widely and brought her pinky to his and he did the same. "Okay! Ocean eyes."

Ever since that day they've been best friends.

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