9. It's College Time

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How could you check in already without me?
Hinata was rushing through the busy traffic while talking on the phone to TenTen.

I told you to be ready but nooo, you just didn't know what you wanted to wear.
She looked at the side of her seat making sure she had all of her registration papers.

How could it be so much traffic when we live so close? We're literally 15 minutes away!

She finally made it to the school trying her best to find a parking space in the parking lot.
Kay Tenny, I'll call you back once I'm done.

She hung up the phone & grabbed her forms making her way to the registration office.

Once she got there she was happy that was until she saw the long line that was formed.

Sinking her shoulders and sighing she hurried and went behind the last person in line.

She thanked herself for grabbing her headphones as she listened to some music playing.
The line was pretty long and didn't appear to move.

Lee💚- Are u here?
Hina👁🤞- Yea just stuck in line
Lee💚- Registration?
Hina👁🤞- Yes! 😒
Lee💚- Y didn't u come w/10 earlier?
Hina👁🤞- Couldn't figure out what to wear
Lee💚- Hope ur comfortable
Lee💚- U'll be waiting for a while 🤦‍♂️

She looked up in relief when she saw the line moving but it was only two steps ahead.

While waiting there in line her ex texted her.

Toneri🚯- 👋

She left him on read not paying any attention.

Toneri🚯- Please stop ignoring me
Toneri🚯- U agreed for us to be friends
Toneri🚯- Hinaaaa 😩
Toneri🚯- Imu!
Toneri🚯- Fine! Just block my number then
Toneri🚯- Since all u do is ignore me ✌️
Toneri🚯- I'm over u 🤷
LuvOML💍😭- Bye then
Toneri🚯- Typing...
Toneri🚯- I was jk...
Toneri🚯- Don't block me! 😭

Cash app: Toneri sent you $500

What's wrong with this guy? He's always acting like an obsessive nutjob.

Why do I even have his number saved still?
"Are the girls here?" Kiba asked Lee putting things away in his closet.

"Yeah they are but Hina is still in line."
Even though Lee and Kiba have been going to school at another college for 1 year.

They decided to switch and transfer to this one.
From their old school, the basketball team was trash and their schooling program sucked!

They both decided to move to campus in the dorms so they would be closer to their classes.
Not only that but it was a lot cheaper than staying in the nearby apartments.

"Hey, we've got some new roommates guys!"
They heard someone yelling as he came barging into their room with no invitation.

"Sup! Name's Sasuke." He fist-bumped Lee and Kiba introducing himself.

2 more guys came walking in.
"What the fuck?" - "What are you fucks doing here?"

"Oh shit!" - "We could ask the same damn thing." Shikamaru, Choji, Lee, and Kiba hugged each other.

"So all 4 of you know each other?" Sasuke asked. "Yeah!" Shikamaru answered.

"We go wayyyy back." He inserted.
Sasuke shrugged his shoulders. "Well, alright. Cool."

Lee & Kiba continued to unpack their things & 2 more guys came waltzing in.

"This is Suigetsu and Jugo, warning Suigetsu is, well, he's pretty much an asshole so don't mind him."

Suigetsu cut his eyes at him.
"Way to introduce me you dick!"

He then fist-bumped Lee & Kiba & sat down on Lee's bed making himself comfortable.
"So what brings you 2 to The Leaf University?"

Kiba answered him first.
"The Rain Stanford sucked."

Lee joined in. "Yeah, so did their basketball team."

Sasuke agreed with them.
"That has to be one of the worst colleges ever."

Lee nodded in agreement.
"It is! Which is why we transferred here."

Shikamaru sat down on Kiba's bed.
"So, is that thing going here too?"

Lee & Kiba snuck a glance at each other grinning.
"Who T-" Lee was cut off by him.

"Don't say her name! I don't wanna get sick."
Kiba chuckled, "yeah she is & so is Hi-"

He was cut off by Naruto when he walked in and plotted down on Lee's bed next to Suigetsu.

"Sup! I'm Naruto but you can call me Spike."
He had his legs spread with his back & shoulders hunched looking down and typing on his phone.

This immediately caused Lee & Kiba to turn their head at each other sharing a quick look.

Naruto looked up from his phone and saw them both looking intently now.

"Uhhh... Have we met before?"
He asked while looking at Lee.

He shook his head and told him nope.
"Are you sure?" Squinting his eyes.


"Maybe you've seen him play basketball before." Kiba spoke up in defense of him.




Naruto gripped his phone tightly and clenched his teeth together before grinning and talking again.

"So... Lee, do you... have... any girlfriends?"
"What about a baby mama?"
"Nah man."
"Fuck buddies? Snuggle buddies? Wife? Mistress?"
"No, yes, hell no, and no."
"Hmm, how about any ex-girlfriends? Crushes?"
"Got any first loves? High school sweethearts?"
He stopped packing and turned around crossing his arms over his chest.
"What's with all the questions?"
Naruto's face got serious. "So... Is that a yes?"

They shared exchanges of looks without uttering a word to each other.

If I find out that he's been dating her I'm gonna break his legs.

I'll break his arms before I let him hurt Hina again.

Suigetsu turned his head to both of the fellas.
As they just stared at each other.
Trying to figure out what the hell was going on at that very moment...

"Is there some gay shit going on...?" He spoke up. This caused Sasuke, Shikamaru, Choji, Jugo, & Kiba to bust out laughing making funny comments.

Lee made a quick grin before answering.
"Nope, I'm straight over here."
Naruto's face remained the same.
"I'm just curious. That's all."

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