15. Monday, (two days later)

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Hinata managed to not run into Naruto that whole day although she did had to painfully suffer through a class of Biology with that bitch, lil miss 'Sakura.'

She was so glad to see that she would share a class with her best friend Tenny, both of their very last after the 3rd ones. Humanities which would be at the end of the day around 4 pm.

"Tenny! We're both late!"
They rushed to their professor's classroom.
His room was a little difficult to find to be honest.

They both saw that the door was closed but went in anyways. Immediately all eyes were on them & their professor greeted them with a bright warm smile.

He looked down at a sheet of paper. "You 2 must be Hinata and TenTen. Please come sit and join us."

The girls sat down in the last 2 available seats.
Not making a peep, though the energy felt weird since all eyes were still glued on them. Once they were settled in their seats they heard some girls behind them chuckling and whispering so they both quickly turned their heads to see who it was.

And to no surprise, it was the 2 bitches they fought!

They snapped their heads back, giving each other a quick look while raising their eyebrows.

This sucked! Hinata already had to suffer through sitting in a class with Sakura but now she had to share another! And with that snarky bitch Ino.

Tenny leaned closer to her and muttered something: "I think they want their asses beat again..." Hina replied with a cringe on her face, "I think so too."

The professor clapped his hands twice as a warning for those to end their side comments and chuckling.

Once the class quieted down he proceeded to introduce himself. He stood and leaned against his desk while crossing his legs.

"Hello, I am your professor Kakashi Hatake. But that's Mr. Hatake to you all. I enjoy reading erotica. I am 32 years old and I'm currently single. I have no ex-wives, no ex-girlfriends, or no children. I decided to teach humanities because I believe in others following their passions."

He got off his desk and walked around the classroom trying his best to make eye contact with each of his students, speaking in a mellow tone.
"Rather it's your love for art or your love for history."

He made his way to the middle of the classroom where Hinata and Tenny sat. Making sure to look them in the eye.
"Whichever subject it is that you'd like to study just know that I'm here to help you with all of them.
And I love getting to know all of my students."

Hinata's cheeks turned pink and Tenny smirked before they shared a glance.

He quickly began walking back to the front of the classroom before anyone could assume he was flirting with them.

"So! TenTen please stand up and introduce yourself to the class please." He leaned back onto his desk and waited for her to comply.

She smiled, standing straight up to do so. Being sure to twist and turn so the other students could get a good view of her. "Hello everyone. My name is TenTen." She reached her hand out to Hinata cupping her shoulder quickly.
"But my best friend calls me Tenny. I enjoy working with technology. I am 23 years old and I'm currently single and available."

She kept a smile on her face but soon opened her mouth with a small gape while making brief eye contact with the handsome redhead before snapping her focus back to the classroom.

"I have no exes in any way shape or form and I took humanities because I want to learn all there is about media and social platforms."

She sat back down in her seat. "Thank you, now, Hinata will you pls do the same."

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