22. The Things That Happened

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They were finally inside the car.

He took off her shoes & began rubbing her feet, he continued that for about 15 mins thinking that she was asleep. But she opened her eyes to see him & the heat of passion struck her like lightning.

She instantly straddled his lap tho her movements were sloppy since she was drunk. He gulped, starting to have difficulty breathing.

He began huffing with a heavy breath.
Dark blue orbs met her lilac ones.

Her tongue slipped into his mouth & he allowed her to give him a wet sloppy kiss. When she pulled back they were wiggling their tongues together. Sharing saliva & she was humping his bulge.

She began leaking thru her thongs. A loud slouching sound echoed throughout the car.

"Gonna cum on my pants sugar pop?" His voice was low & he spread his legs more. "O-Ocean." She threw her head back gripping both of his knees. He's heard plenty of moans before but not like this, he's come across a lot of horny girls but not like this, & he has had some of the wettest pussy before but... not like this.

"I feel something..." She made a loud gasp. "Ohhhh. Ocean eyes." He was more aroused than he's ever been in his entire life. "Oh, fuck baby. That's right..." His groans were strained.
"Cum on me, cum on me, let yourself go, babe."

She climaxed on him & he felt her pulse through her soaked cunt.

His dick throbbed as he placed his hand on the back of her head, pulling her closer to him, placing a hard hickey on her neck & fondling her breast. Pinching her nipple btwn his 2 fingers. "Mmm-ah! Yes, mark me up! Please cover me in all your bites."
Her hips were in a bucking motion and she felt hot, this was a whole new experience.

It was like his ears were a virgin to her sounds, never hearing anything so sweet & serene before. She was begging him to fuck her.

He pulled back from the hickey, leaving her kisses on the spot. "When did you get your nipples pierced?" Playing with her breasts, squeezing them in his big hands. "That's so fucking hot!"

He's not sure when he heard that lil voice in the back of his mind but when he did he moved her away from himself. "No, you're drunk. We can't do this." She tried climbing back on his lap but he wouldn't let her. Pinning her hips down. She was wiggling under his arms. "Naruto I want you to be my first. Please... make me feel good." He shook his head from left to right. "No! You don't know what you're saying or doing. You're not in the right state of mind Hinata." She looked up at him with innocent eyes pulling down her red bra fully exposing her breast. "Please...?"

"...Shit..."  His body went still.

She yanked his shirt, pulling him down, kissing him harder than she's ever kissed. "No!" She wrapped her legs around him & pulled him back to her. "Mmph, n-mmph-mmm. No Sugar Pop!"

He didn't know how to react, sure, he wanted to fuck her til she couldn't think straight.
But not like this! It wasn't right!

She continued kissing him & he let her until he pinned both of her arms on her side & spoke louder with more base in his voice.

"I said no!!" She flinched at his tone making a sad face & he mentally slapped himself.

But then that turned into a wicked smile.
"You look good when you're angry. Yes! Yell at me again, Naruto."


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