6. I'll Always Remember You

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October 1st, 12:00 AM

He had already been sitting out on the bench by a nearby park waiting for the clock to strike 12. "Happy 15th birthday sugar pop."

He's been hesitating on calling her up to wish her a happy birthday considering their talk last week.

He constantly kept flipping his flip phone.

The tears started pouring out his eyes when he dialed her number but didn't press send.
"I'm sorry..."

He was having a battle with himself about calling her sure they weren't 'together' anymore.

But he was still missing her.

He didn't want her to think that he would just up & forget her birthday either.

The time was now 12:30 AM when he got up from the bench and made his way home.

His parents didn't say anything because they knew this was a difficult time for him.

Besides the park was only up the block.

He was startled when he heard his mom talking on the phone wishing someone a happy birthday.

He stood behind the wall that was the opening to the kitchen trying to listen carefully.
"I can't wait to see you too."

He leaned his head against the wall and turned to his side to get a better hearing of it.

"It was nice talking to you, honey."
After that, he heard his mom talking to someone else who he figured was Hinata's mom.

He turned and walked into the kitchen pretending as if he just got back from the park.
"Hey, mom."

He grabbed himself a water bottle from the fridge.

She finally hung up the phone wishing her friend a good night. "Hey, sweetie, feeling better?"

He nodded and grabbed himself a snack.

"You know... we're going to visit the Hyugas next spring break and you should come."

"Really...? You don't think that...?"

"Of course not sweetie. Me and Hiabu agree that you and Hinata should see each other."

She went to hug him and kissed his forehead.
"Now go and get some sleep."

He went upstairs to his room and looked at the last birthday card that Hinata sent him.

He sat down on his bed and held it against his chest. "I'll never stop loving you Hina."

December 1st, 12:00 AM

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December 1st, 12:00 AM

Hinata stood in the cold on her front porch as the snowflakes came flowing down.

She had 1 cupcake lit with 1 candle.

She began singing happy birthday in a low voice.

She would never forget Naruto's birthday.

Nor would she ever stop his birthday ritual which was cupcakes with sprinkles.

This ritual began on his 7th birthday when they were both still kids but she continued even after he left.

She quickly blew out the candle & made her way back into the house.

She locked the door behind her and went straight into her room setting the cupcake down.

Once she changed into her pj's & lie on her bed.

She picked up her phone and dialed his number all she wanted to do was hear his phone ring.

Even if she didn't get to hear his voice his ring on the phone would still be enough for her.

But that all ended quickly when he picked up.

Not even letting him say 'hello' she squealed and hung up the phone clenching her chest.

She heard her heart thumping.
That only got harder when her phone started to ring and of course, she didn't answer.

Her phone rang 2 more times while she bit down on her fingernails feeling nervous to answer.

She was reacting as a nervous person would.

When the phone finally stopped ringing she picked it back up and dialed his number again.

But this time she didn't press send.
She just flipped her screen back down and picked up the very last letter he sent her eying the words.

She snuggled it against her chest and laid back.
"I'll never forget you Ocean Eyes."

Her eyes shut and she fell soundly asleep.

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