33. Realizations

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When they made it there it was about midnight. "Okay, okay. I know all of you are pretty tired but remember we're here for the whole week so we'll wake up tomorrow and start fresh." Mr. Hatake stood and explained to the students what was going to happen. "I know that all of you are adults and brought some things that are considered illegal and inappropriate. So please, smoke and drink that stuff when you're out of my vicinity. I don't want to smell anything on you and I don't want  to see you doing any of those things."

Some quiet chats were happening as he went over some light rules for the camp. "I would like to let you know that we're all staying in one big camp. We'll be staying in the same building but there's a twist. Both sides of the houses are paired together. So on one side, the females will be staying in and on the other side the males will be staying in."

He began hearing some irritated groans from the students which mostly sounded like his male students. "That's right! Both sides will be separated by sex. So I'm sorry to the lovely couples in my class but you will not be... how do you kids say it? Getting your freak on." That made all of the students laugh and after he finished with his rules, he let the winning team get off the bus first. "The winning team gets to choose the room they want first. So Hinata and Toneri come please."

Hinata looked over at TenTen on the right side of her before getting up. "Oh, and I almost forgot don't worry about your bags yet. You all will be choosing your rooms first and then you can come back to the bus to get them." Toneri struggled to get up with a cast over his leg and both of his crutches.

"Since you're both the winning team you can choose whatever room you want to. The rules don't apply to you two." Mr. Hatake took a look at Toneri. "I'm sure I can trust you to not do any funny business." Toneri gave him a dirty look before walking away from him and Hinata didn't wanna be close to him at all so she hurried over to the left side of the house.

She went up the stairs and damn near lost her breath on the way to the top. She must've gone up about 10-16 steps. Once she was up there she slowly looked around the big space. She couldn't believe how many rooms were up in the place. The dark brown shiny hard wooden floors looked as if it has just been mopped and the way her shoes clicked against them made it seem as if she was in an expensive place. Well, actually, from the big railings across the stairs and upstairs she'd guess that it was a pretty expensive place. She made her way over to half of the place on the left side of upstairs.

Then she turned her head to the left side to discover a long hallway. The place was long and dark and she thanked god that there was a switch as she flicked it on because it looked like something off a horror movie. One wrong turn and she could end up dead. "That's what you get for watching Insidious." She said to herself.

As she made her way down the long hallway which seemed like forever. She went into the very last room that was at the end of the hall. When she walked in and turned the lights on she gasped. "Oh, my, god." The room was beautiful! A big-sized king bed sat against the wall in the middle of the room and the big black carpet that was underneath it lay perfectly and it looked so soft. The dark gray curtains were long as they hung on the big curtain rods. When she walked over to the windows she slowly opened the curtains and then looked out of it. She could see the trees ahead. "This is too good to be true." She quietly said to herself. After closing it back again she slowly walked over to the bathroom. When she flicked the switch on she damn near had a heart attack.

The bathroom floor was wooden also but it was a light golden brown and the glass shower was huge. But when she looked over next to it the big white tub was calling out to her. When she got closer to it she saw that it was a jacuzzi tub. Oh, she's definitely gonna be taking a hot ass bath tonight! The toilet and the sink looked like some fancy scene out of a magazine. She returned from the bathroom to the room and threw off her jacket onto the bed and quickly checked out the room next to hers. After inspecting it she decided that the room would be Tenny's or they would be sharing a room. It was just how she liked it too. Two rooms at the end of the hall separated from the rest of the other rooms.
"Hina, can you believe this place? It's, it's unbelievable!" Hinata was placing her clothes into the drawers. "I know right? The rooms is bigger than our whole damn apartment." TenTen was smiling from ear to ear. "I can't believe that my room has a jacuzzi in it too." Hinata closed the drawer and turned around, walking up to Tenny and crossing her arms. "Me either." TenTen crossed her arms too and her face went into a straight line. They both cracked a smile at the same time and began squealing while jumping up and down. "We need to get drunk!" Hinata was ready for a shot or five and TenTen was ready to do the same.

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