24. Getting answers

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Hinata fidgeted in the passenger seat the whole ride to meet Naruto. Bouncing her thigh, tugging on the zipper of her jacket moving it up and down, running her hands through her hair multiple times, and chewing her nails with her shaky teeth. Her heart banged against her chest and her breathing slowed.

When they were down the street from the diner Hinata clenched onto Tenny's right arm. "Let's go around the block one more time!" Her voice was dry and she spoke in a fearful tone. "We already did that 3 times and I'm running out of gas." TenTen stayed calm while they were waiting at a red light. "Let's go to the gas station then! I'll-I'll-I'll pay for it!"
Her bestie understood why Hina was so nervous but she didn't listen to her, starting to drive again after the light turned green and going to the destination, pulling right into the parking lot of the diner, putting the car in park & turning the key in the ignition to turn the car off. "Sorry babe, you need to face this."

"You're right! I-I need to face this... I-I can do this" She said those words as if she was going to a job interview but that didn't stop her chest from wheezing. TenTen placed both her hands on Hinata's shoulders. "Breathe, breathe." Her comforting tone calmed Hinata as she began breathing deeply & got more relaxed. After 5 minutes passed Hinata spoke up again. "Okay... I'm-" She turned to Tenny with a more readable expression. "I'm going in." They both stepped out of the car but with each step they took Hinata's anxiety came bolting in and everything around became inaudible, and she took a quiet gulp.
An hour ago...
Naruto kept 1 hand on the steering wheel while looking in the rearview mirror, playing with his smooth golden locks, moving his bangs over his eyes and then flipping them back. "How do I look?"
He questioned his annoyed best friend for the 50th damn time abt his freaking hair. "Smell my breath. Does it stink?" Sasuke scolded him while he answered, angrily grunting his words. "You brushed your teeth 3 times." He leaned over a little to him. "Sniff me. Do I stink?" Sasuke pushed him a tad bit. "I'm not sniffing you again! And would you focus on the damn road!" Sasuke hated this. He hated how much control this girl wielded over him, he's never cared abt his appearance for some chick before, so WHY now? "How do I look?" He looked over to him and then back on the road. "C'mon man I need you!" Naruto spoke with worry in his veins and scariness in his heart. "Do I smell bad?" Sasuke yelled at him in frustration. "Naruto! You took a long ass shower, you scrubbed your teeth and your tongue, you styled your hair like 10 times, you changed your clothes like 11 times and you have like a TON of cologne sprayed on you." Naruto finally pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. "So is that a yes or a no?"

Sasuke gave him a surprising scoff and threw his head back into the seat & shaking it slowly from left to right. When they got outta the car Naruto stood in front of Sasuke, turning from left to right, posing, and giving him a few spins abt his outfit. "How do I look?" He barely gave Sasuke any time to answer.

"If you were a chick would you bang me?" He kept on with his spins, genuinely asking him. "Would you date me?" Sasuke placed his hands on his hips, cocked his head to the side, and squinted his eyes in big disbelief. "If you were gay would you want me?" Sasuke then jerked his head, face making a straight line, and raised both brows. Naruto was growing more anxious with Sasuke's silence. "Would you fuck me? Would you wanna fuck me?!" He threw his arms up in seriousness. Sasuke balled his hands up, bringing them to his mouth before exhaling loudly. "Let's just go in." Naruto made a sad expression as they began walking into the diner. "So that means you wouldn't." Sasuke flared his nostrils at him not knowing if he wants to comfort him BEFORE hitting him upside the head or AFTER hitting him upside the head. "Naruto just shut up, please just be quiet."

After some time...
Naruto texted Hinata only for her to leave him on seen. Then he called her only for her not to answer. And then he FaceTimed her only for it to be denied on the 1st ring. He squeezed his phone, clicking down on his keyboard hard sending msg after msg. He would send her a million of them back to back if that meant getting her back, in his arms, under his supervision, right where she belonged! Naruto stared at his phone in a provoking manner, with knitted brows, a shallowed breath, and dark eyes.

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