27. "I'll never let you leave."

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Friday arrived but Hinata decided to not go to school, having good enough excuses to not go. After that tough situation, she dealt with yesterday she couldn't face Naruto and she didn't wanna see Mr. Hatake, since she hasn't made any choice yet about him and Sakura's little dealings. She needed to take a mental day, as crazy as it sounds. Though school only started 2 months ago in June, the optics were already weighing on her. "It's gonna be weird to not have you in school today," Tenny said to her weirdly. "I know babes, but I just need a breather for today."

When TenTen left she took a long deep breath and threw her head back before getting up to do her morning routine and soon after she fell back in her bed. Thinking about the very 1st time she met Naruto. Them being so young and carefree. She remembered every detail of what he wore. A casual shirt with grey shorts stopping right at his knees. How bold he was for a 6-year-old, jumping and swinging on things that were too big even for an average kid. ~Hey, Sugar Pop. I picked out this flower for you.~

Tears welled up in her eyes when she thought about how sweet he was to her even when they 1st met & were just mere strangers to each other. The more she thought about their memories, the sadder she got. Every time they saw each other he would express the sweetest things to her. ~You look pretty today, Sugar Pop.~ She giggles a bit. ~Thank you, Ocean Eyes.~ He would blush a little.

Around the time when they were 10/11, he began carrying things for her, even if they weren't that heavy. He would just always feel like it was the right thing to do. ~Let me carry this for you, Sugar Pop.~ She looked down at her single book and looked confusingly at him. ~It's fine, Ocean Eyes.~ Being the bold little guy that he was, he gently took it out of her hands and the shy girl bumped her fingers, then she planted a soft kiss on his cheek. ~Th-Thank you, Ocean Eyes.~ His eyes went wide and his cheeks turned red, freezing a bit in the process. But when she placed her hand on his right shoulder, he snapped out of it. ~N-No problem, Sugar Pop.~ Hinata laughed out loud when she visualized the scene of that memory perfectly, crying inaudibly from the remembrance.

She thought about how things would've turned out if Naruto and his parents didn't have to move away. She's sure they would've still dated but come college time, they both probably would've grown up and realized that they didn't want the same things. Or they would've broken up when they were teens.

Staring up at the ceiling with wet cheeks and watery eyes, she realized the differences between him & her. He had a life, not saying that she didn't either, but he went out, got a girlfriend, made a couple of friends, while dating other girls in the process, made a name for himself with his love for basketball, and continued on with life as he would never see her again. Not that she didn't think he was lying when he told her he thought about her every single day since they'd been apart. BUT he practically moved on...

Sure Hinata had friends... well, no. Just close friends that she considered besties. She's dated... well, no. Just Toneri when she was 16 & broke up with him at 20. She's had other guys hit on her and pursue her for a serious relationship, but she couldn't bring herself to date another guy.

She liked Toneri, hell even loved but it never came close to the feelings she shares & has for Naruto. That's why when she finally turned 23 & decided to start college, she made plans on moving on from him and just leaving him in her memories forever, but then that all went to shit when they saw each other again. Showing her what she already knew, she'll probably never get over him. But that wasn't fair to her and she'd take accountability for her actions. She should've dated around or just had a little fun... but her heart, her mind, or her soul wouldn't let her.
Damn you, Naruto!

A notification went off on her phone and she wiped her face, checking it, to see that it was Toneri checking on her since he hadn't seen her this morning on campus. Most times, Hina would be irritated by his text msgs, but now not so much. Feeling more comfortable with talking to him since he has a gf now.

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