35. Unsolved Problems *Long* 😭

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Hinata had a good relaxing time in that cabin around the camp. She and Naruto went over some things but they didn't go too in-depth.

"So, what are you wearing? You know, for your date." Tenny was teasing Hina with her load of questions. "I don't know yet. He hasn't told me what the occasion of the date would be for a certain outfit."

Hinata finally felt good about her and Naruto's situation. "What about you and Gaara?" She asked her hype bestie. "He says that we're going on a date, on Saturday."

That was 2 days from now. "I'm sure you guys will have a marvelous time." TenTen sat on Hinata's bed. "How long has it been since we saw Lee and Kiba?" Hinata gasped. "It's been too long, I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss those dweebs."

Hinata finished folding the rest of her clothes & placed them in the drawer. "I miss them too. We should plan a bestie double date." TenTen agreed with her and then she went to her room to get her cell phone and set the whole thing up.
"We are starting to forget that you girls forgot us." Lee, Kiba, Hina, & Tenny were seated at a pizza joint in a 4-seat booth.

"We could never forget you, Lee," TenTen said with a smile, sincerely. "Even you, Kiba." Hinata snickered playfully through her lips while looking at her annoyed boy bestie.

"Is that supposed to be funny?" He asked both the laughing girls and they responded with more laughs.

"So... Tell us what's been going on between you two. Do you have a girlfriend yet?" TenTen held up the diner's menu and looked through the different food catalogs.

"Yeah, how's college life been treating you guys?" Hinata curiously asked while taking a sip of her water out of the cup. "Karin is still my cuddle buddy," Lee answered her.

"And I'm not playing basketball anymore."
He told them. Making both the girls look up at him with surprised eyes.

"Really?" TenTen asked. "Yeah." He simply replied. "What are you doing now, then?"
She asked again. "Track and a little karate."

A small warm smile formed upon his face. "That's great!" Hinata said while returning a bigger smile.

"What about you Kib?" (Keeb) TenTen turned her attention to the brown-eyed boy that had his hands folded and ready to order.

"I quit basketball too." Hinata and Tenny shared a quick look with surprised faces before turning back to him. "So what are you doing now?" Hinata asked him. "I'm gonna be a vet."

This warmed Hinata's heart.

She never owned any pets but she was always nice to other people's pets and she felt that animals deserved to be treated with decency too. "That's great, Kiba!"

Kiba finally smiled. "Yeah, it's awesome! I get to work with a lot of cool animals."

His sharp canines showed when he smiled again, this time widely. "Instead of asking all of these questions about us, why don't you two tell us what's been going on in your world, starting with you Tenny."

He pointed at her and watched her like an undercover, anticipating her answer. "Well, I mean... I guess I don't have a choice since you're putting me on the spot." She shrugged.

"College has been going well for me. I'm up to date on my grades in Computer Science. But I'm stressing a bit because some of my other classes have been taking away my focus from it. I have to pass this upcoming exam in the fall."

She answered completely before relaxing her shoulders and taking a quick breather. Lee and Kiba side-eyed her.

"Are you sure that that's been the only thing keeping you distracted?" Kiba suspiciously asked. Tenny didn't know if she could answer him. "Um..." She started but then she ended. Dammit! These fuckers had her!

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