34. Realizations: Part 2

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"I'm not too sure about him, Tenny. He gives me stalker vibes." They were on their way back to the camp. "How so?" Her bestie asked. "He's always popping up at unexpected times and he just does weird things." TenTen giggled but Hinata was dead ass. "Maybe you're just scared about things going right with both of you that you're overthinking things." Hinata hummed. "Yeah, maybe I am." Her being afraid of something going wrong between them again was a fear of hers. "There you are." All of that went out of the window when she saw Naruto.

"See what I mean?" She whispered into TenTen's ear and she quickly looked at her dark violet head bestie with both eyes wide open. "Feisty cat." Gaara greeted TenTen but she quickly grabbed Hinata's arm. "We're getting ready to take a shower together." Hinata quickly played along. "Yeah, we got real hot and sweaty so we have to go wash up." Naruto & Gaara glanced at each other. "You two do things like that?" Naruto curiously asked. "Yeah, we do so if you don't mind." Hinata and TenTen tried to walk past them but they stepped in front of them. "What is it?"

TenTen tried to stop her body from trembling but she was too damn scared and the gawk she was getting from Gaara wasn't helping either. "Let's talk." Hinata picked up on TenTen's mood. "No! We're going to shower now move!" She blew past them both and she dragged TenTen along. "What's up her ass?" Gaara stared at them both as they walked inside the camp. "By the looks of it, nothing." Naruto realized what he just said. "She isn't wearing any panties. I'm gonna kick her ass." He began walking after both of them but Gaara stopped him. "No, don't do it. They have to take a shower." He made quotation marks with his fingers and Naruto crossed his arms.
"See I told you. He acts like a stalker!" Hinata was standing in TenTen's room while shaking her head back & forth. "And Gaara is acting like a maniac. He won't leave me alone... should I get a restraining order on him?" Hinata looked straight at her nervous-acting bestie. "Maybe we should get restraining orders on both of them." TenTen then stood up and placed both of her hands on her narrow hips as she broke out a smile. "Hina, listen to us we sound crazy." Hinata looked at her with a weird look and cocked her head to the side. "We do?" She asked her and TenTen nodded.

"We've been watching too many lifetime movies. They really are trying to scare us but they will never hurt us." She giggled after saying that like it was some sort of realization. "But how do we explain their weirdo ways of them just showing up and threatening us?" Hinata questioned TenTen as if she was some personal wizard. "Because they really care about us and are scared about losing us." Hinata still had a weird expression on her face. "Are you sure about this?" TenTen nodded again. "Okay." She exhaled. "I guess you're right." Hinata had an epiphany.

She was paranoid about Naruto, of course, he'd never hurt her. Her mind kept jumping to crazy conclusions. "I gotta apologize to him."
During the evening Hinata kept trying to talk to Naruto but he was being cold toward her. "He's still being a dick?" TenTen came out to the back of the deck where Hinata sat at. "Yes, he is." She answered. "Well, if it cheers you up we're about to play some games... that includes some drinks... with different liquor." TenTen kept leaning against Hinata's left shoulder in an attempt to cheer her up. "Fine. I'll play along."
About 30 people sat in a circle in the living room of the camp with liquor bottles and cups in the middle of them. Hinata sat next to some guy with dark black shaggy hair and two red eyes. The guy had whiskers on his cheeks and he didn't speak too much. Hinata never noticed the guy until today. Then when she looked over to the far right of her she couldn't help but look at that thing sitting next to Naruto. He's told her that he cut her off but by the way they were sitting next to each other and flirting, she thought otherwise. She gets it! He's pissed at her but he didn't have to go to extreme matters to make her angry. "He's such an ass!" She said under her breath. "I'm sorry?" The guy next to her said and she quickly told him nothing.

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